
Joy Ayaya

7 Signs You’re Just Not Meant to Be Together

unhealthy relationships

Have you ever been in a relationship where it seems you’re the only one forcing the relationship to work? You just keep trying and hoping that things will work out, but alas, everything keeps falling apart. Funnily enough, some people have this mindset that they’re destined to be with a particular person, even when the red flags are glaring.

Sadly, they assume that if they don’t end up with that person, their life will become useless. This is not true. Love and relationships should come off as a sweet and natural feeling, not forced. Anything short of that will be you pushing yourself into the relationship, which might end in heartbreak.

In this article, we’ll delve into the 7 signs you’re just not meant to be together. I hope that by the end of this article, you will know if you and your partner are meant to be together or not. Furthermore, you’ll even get to discover the signs of incompatibility in a relationship. 

That said, let’s get started! 

1. Constant Disagreement

Vera Arsic, Pexel

One of the 7 signs you’re just not meant to be together is constant disagreement. Disagreements in relationships are expected since you’re two different personalities from different backgrounds. However, when it becomes constant and irreconcilable, especially on important issues, then it’s time to rethink. 

Also, when your disagreements result in a fight or confrontation, it’s a red flag. If you’re always arguing over the same issue every day without reaching a compromise or agreement, you won’t enjoy your relationship. This may be a sign that your values, goals, or communication styles are incompatible.

 Furthermore, one of the first things to consider in a relationship is the overall atmosphere of your interactions. How is your communication pattern? Does it give off a positive or negative vibe? Does every discussion turn into a fight? Do you feel lonely, disrespected, and unheard of in that relationship? 

Listen, if you can count your happy moments but can’t count how many times you both have fought and quarreled, it shows that something isn’t right. This shows that you’re just not meant to be together.

2. An Absence of Trust

Another 7 signs you’re just not meant to be together is the absence of trust. No relationship can survive where trust is absent or broken. If you always suspect your partner of everything—for instance, if you’re always checking your partner’s phone and questioning their movements and intentions—then it’s a sign you’re in an unhealthy relationship. 

Trust in a relationship goes beyond the mere belief that your partner will be faithful to you. It also means trusting your partner with your emotions, fears, goals, dreams, and even your vulnerabilities. A lack of trust is like poison; it sinks deep into every interaction and the foundation of your emotional bonding.

Don’t stay in a relationship where you can’t be vulnerable because you’re afraid your partner may use your vulnerability against you. This shows an absence of emotional intimacy and commitment and can be a sign you’re just not meant to be together. 

3. Little or No Support for Your Vision

Francisco Moreno, Unsplash

When your partner is uninterested in your vision, purpose, and life goals, it can be a sign you’re just not meant to be together. Your partner should be able to support your goals and passions and encourage you to pursue them. Incompatibility in goals can lead to pressure and emotional stress, making it difficult for both of you to plan your future together.

Moreover, your core values should align with those of your partners. Your core values, for instance, could be your faith, religious and cultural beliefs, political views, integrity, vision, purpose, etc. These are non-negotiable and should not be trivialized. 

Navigating a relationship with someone whose core values do not align with yours or do not even have values at all can be quite frustrating. Ensure you pay attention to these things before going far in such a relationship.

[blockquote align=”none” author=”Craig Groeschel”]When your values are clear, your decisions are easier. [/blockquote]

4. Emotional Disconnection

Emotional disconnection is one of the 7 signs you’re just not meant to be together. Are you finding it difficult to connect on a deeper level with your partner? Have you been trying to force love and intimacy that should come naturally in your relationship? Do you feel disconnected and dissatisfied in that relationship? This might be a sign that you’re not just meant to be together. 

Insisting on being together can result in more emotional suffering. Emotional connection in a relationship fosters commitment, intimacy, bonding, etc.

5. One-Sided Effort

It takes two partners who are intentional to make any relationship work. If only one partner is putting in effort to maintain a relationship, it’s often a sign of imbalance and can lead to resentment. Moreover, no relationship can go far when it’s one-sided. No matter how understanding a partner is, one day the partner will get tired of fighting to keep the relationship moving. 

So if you’re the only one who is always making sacrifices, calling, loving, and checking up on your partner, then it’s a sign that you mean nothing to your partner. To build a healthy relationship, you and your partner should be committed to doing your best without being forced to. 

Furthermore, ensure you outdo each other in love and care. You don’t need a partner who is unreasonable and inconsiderate. This is because such partners have this entitled mentality that they are in your life to do you a favor.

[blockquote align=”none” author=”]It is better to be out of love than to be miserable in one-sided love.[/blockquote]

6. Abusive and Controlling Partner

Another sign that you’re not just meant to be together is when your partner is abusive and controlling. Does your partner always pressure you to obey their orders, even when it’s not convenient for you? Is your partner jealous and insecure about your progress? Does your partner always suspect your actions? Then you need to rethink because it is a red flag.

If your partner truly loves and cares about your happiness, he or she will allow you to be free in that relationship. An abusive and controlling partner is a sign that you’re not safe and will need to walk away and even seek help if need be. You need a partner who values you and your opinion.

7. No Significant Growth

7-Signs-You're-Just-Not-Meant-to-Be-Together-3Last but not least among the 7 signs you’re not just meant to be together is a lack of significant growth. When you can’t count on any significant growth in some areas of your life since you both have been together, then you need to reevaluate the relationship. A relationship that isn’t contributing to your personal growth is a red flag.

Your relationship should make you a better person, not drain you and make you worse than you were before you started. Meeting your partner should contribute to growth in your career, dreams, visions, etc. Every relationship requires intentionality to make it work. However, if these signs persist despite your efforts to make it work, you might need to rethink whether it’s healthier to part ways. 

Last Words on 7 Signs You’re Just Not Meant to Be Together

As we conclude on 7 signs you’re just not meant to be together, don’t forget that each of us views life and relationships differently. While we have a general rule for this, there is no one-size-fits-all. These signs are not just a definitive checklist but a guide to aiding self-reflection. 

These are signs you pay attention to and check to see if they resonate with you. If they do, you might need to have a heart-to-heart discussion with your partner. Have detailed communication to see if you can make amends and adjust for a healthier relationship.

Life isn’t too long to wallow in emotional pain because of an incompatible partner. You deserve a relationship that will bring you joy, respect, care, trust, peace, and mutual growth. You should go for what you deserve, provided you’re truly worth it.

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