
Grace Ehimare

5 Sneaky Signs He Will Never Cheat on You

cheating, Dating Tips For Women, Love and Relationship

A number of celebrity infidelity cases have caught the attention of the public and media over the years. And when a story of infidelity makes the headlines, it is usually a successful run. People are eager to read about what was once secret; they want to know how, with whom, and why.

It goes a long way toward showing the number of people who think fidelity is a big deal in a relationship. And I’m sure you just might be wondering if your darling is staying true to you.

While no one may be able to accurately predict if a man will cheat or not, there are telltale signs that he won’t.

And just because your favorite celebrity or their partner cheated doesn’t mean yours will. Focus on the positive and keep hope alive. Your man is not a cheat.

This post aims to furnish you with pointers that show you have a faithful man in your life, so you can rest easy.

Come along as we explore these five signs that he will never cheat.

5 Signs He Will Never Cheat

1. Openness and Vulnerability

A great relationship is built on trust, and with trust comes openness. It is a situation where two become one and there’s nothing to hide; there are no skeletons in anyone’s cupboard that they lock up without sharing with their partners, no matter how shameful it may be. Simply put, it means there are no secrets.

When you are aware of certain sensitive details of your partner’s past and are constantly in touch with their present because they are open with you, you can count that as a strong sign he won’t cheat.

With openness, he keeps you in the picture when he is hanging out with friends or going on a business trip. You have free access to his phone and emails; there’s no part of his life that is out of bounds for you.

He is also vulnerable and is willing to share his feelings, thoughts, fears, and insecurities with you.

You are his fiance or wife, and he doesn’t withhold details of his life with you; that’s a loyal man right there.

2. Honesty and Communication

‘Communication is the lifeline of any relationship,’ says Elizabeth Bourgeret.

When the communication lines in a relationship are open and honest, it creates a safe environment for the relationship to thrive without external intrusion.

They are able to talk freely about their feelings, desires, needs, dreams, expectations, and boundaries, and they are great listeners as well.

I daresay that communication can give you insight into your partner’s mindset, including his mindset on fidelity. You can tell if he is loyal to you if you pay attention to what he says or isn’t saying.

Constant communication fosters love and friendship, which can keep your man content.

When you add honesty to the mix, it’s a winner because honesty is the bedrock of trust.

If he has never given you a reason to doubt him in other areas of your life, you can count on his integrity and go to sleep.

Its presence in a relationship foretells that if there ever arises any temptation or issue, it will be honestly addressed rather than being bottled up or kept away from you.

This way, you can be sure that he will never cheat on you.

3. Love and Respect

Every man wants to feel loved and respected. He wants to be honored, at least in his own home. He wants to know that he is king in your heart and that you value him.

He wants to feel appreciated like he is your world. He wants to be loved, flaws and all. He longs for a partner who encourages him to reach his full potential. He is clear on the value you place on him because, verbally and by your actions, you express it; you are his safe place.

If he is getting all that from you, he will give you faithfulness in return because there’ll be no need to look for love and respect elsewhere.

Not only is he getting love and respect from you, but he also gives it to you. He puts in the work to make sure that you are cared for, appreciates your opinions, constantly pushes you to be better, and is appreciative of your efforts. He knows your worth and constantly affirms that.

The emotional fulfillment that comes from love and respect eliminates the need to look for approval or contentment outside of the relationship.

4. His Friendships and Mentors

The saying, ‘Show me your friends, and I’ll tell you who you are,’ is so true in relationships.

Often overlooked, friendships go a long way toward determining the influence in your partner’s life because friendship builds character and values.

If your man has wholesome friends who charge themselves to be loyal to their partners and to respect them even in their absence, he is mostly not going to cheat. They would not encourage promiscuity.

Besides, a man who can sustain friendships is most likely going to be faithful in his love relationship.

He is a man who sets boundaries in his communication with female friends and colleagues. He has also burned the bridge that connects him with his exes, if any.

Furthermore, a man who has male figures in his life who are doing their relationships right will most likely follow in their footsteps. These mentors set the standard for him, and he will be willing to succeed in his relationship. It also highlights his willingness to learn and the value he places on wisdom.

5. Sexual Satisfaction and Intimacy

It’s important to highlight sexual satisfaction in marriage as a sign that your man will never cheat because sexual satisfaction makes for a happy man. It is the highest level of emotional and physical connection between partners.

If a man finds you attractive, constantly affirms your beauty, and spends time with you, he values you a lot. He is most likely not going to run after a sidekick.

A man who will never cheat doesn’t watch pornography or masturbate either. He won’t need any of those because the intimacy you both enjoy is enough for him. He never checks out other women or compares you with his exes, colleagues, or friends.

Where there is honesty and open conversation about desires and preferences, intimacy grows. If the flame of intimacy is ablaze in your relationship, your man will stay faithful.

The Takeaway From 5 Signs He Will Cheat

Recognizing these 5 signs he will never cheat can provide a sense of security and trust in your relationship. 

But you must remember that no one can guarantee 100% that their spouse will stay faithful because sometimes infidelity could be spontaneous or influenced by external factors such as programming, emotional, and societal factors.

It is crucial, however, to remember that faithful relationships require commitment, effective communication, honesty, trust, and a shared understanding of each other’s boundaries and expectations.

Focus on building this relationship with your partner intentionally, and you will eliminate the possibility of infidelity in your relationship.

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