
Desire Uways

12 Glaring Signs You Should Stay Away From Someone

Avoid, negativity and toxicity

We’ve all met someone at one point or another whom we feel uneasy around. This may be due to a variety of reasons, such as their being rude, having a different set of values, or simply not clicking with them. However, sometimes the reasons are more serious and may be signs you should stay away from someone like that altogether.

The signs you should stay away from someone may be subtle and sometimes obvious. You should definitely stay away from someone who is abusive, manipulative, negative, controlling, and narcissistic.

Continue reading because this article will tell you how to spot such people, and what to do.

Here are some signs you should stay away from someone

1. They Exhibit Abusive or Violent Behavior

If someone has a history of abusive or violent behavior, it’s a vital sign you should stay away from them. Whether they have been physically, emotionally, or verbally abusive, it’s not worth putting yourself at risk to give them another chance.

It’s important you stay away from them for your mental health’s sake. Negative words have a way of infecting the mind negatively. You should prevent such behavior by not allowing such victimizers into your space.

2. They Constantly Lie or Manipulate You

Relationships are built on trust. If someone continuously lies, deceives, or manipulates you, then it is a toxic and unhealthy relationship. This is a clear sign you should stay away from someone. It’s best to distance yourself from someone who doesn’t respect the values of honesty and transparency.

A lack of honesty and transparency can lead to feelings of distrust, anxiety, and uncertainty, which can damage your emotional well-being. It’s important to recognize when someone is lying or manipulating you and to set boundaries to protect yourself.

This may mean distancing yourself from the person, seeking support from trusted friends or professionals, or confronting the person about their behavior. Remember, you deserve to be in relationships where you feel safe, valued, and respected, and where honesty and transparency are valued.

3. They are Always Negative or Bring You Down

Negative people can emit toxic energy that drains you and affects your own outlook on life. If someone is constantly negative or brings you down, they are not worth your time or energy. It’s essential to surround yourself with those who uplift and encourage you.

It is a sign you should stay away from someone if the person is constantly negative and pessimistic. It can bring you down and affect your mood. Constant negativity can be a sign of a toxic personality, and it’s best to limit your interactions with them.

4. They are Extremely Self-centered or Narcissistic


People who are extremely self-centered or narcissistic tend to prioritize their needs above everything and everyone else. This can lead to a lack of empathy and understanding in a relationship.

If someone is unwilling to compromise or empathize with others’ feelings or perspectives, it is a great sign you should stay away from them. Selfish people are only interested in their own needs and interests. They expect you to do things for them without considering your feelings or needs.

A self-centered person is not someone you want to build a relationship with, as they will not be willing to make any effort toward the relationship’s success. If someone you are close with is extremely selfish, then it is a sign you should stay away from them.

5. They are Overly Possessive

Controlling or possessive behavior is a form of emotional manipulation and abuse that should not be condoned in any relationship. If someone is demanding or possessive of your time, resources, or interactions with others, it could signify a toxic power dynamic. It is a sign you should stay away from someone as such.

Manipulative people use tactics like lying or guilt-tripping to get what they want. They make you feel like you owe them something or that they are entitled to what you have. They play victims and make you feel guilty when you don’t do what they want. It’s essential to reclaim your autonomy and stay away from those who want to control or manipulate you.

6. They’re Always in Crisis Mode

Some people thrive on drama and chaos, and they may even try to drag you into their problems. If someone is always in crisis mode, it can be exhausting and stressful to be around them. It’s important to set boundaries and maintain distance from people who thrive on chaos.

A person who is always in trouble is not someone you should be around, as you are bound to be dragged into trouble alongside them someday. It is a sign you should stay away from someone you are close to who is often involved in chaos or drama.

7. They’re Always Talking About Others

If someone is always gossiping and talking about other people behind their backs, it’s a sign you should stay away from someone like that. It’s very possible that they may not have your best interests at heart either.

As much as they have evil things to talk about someone else with you, you never know when you might be the subject of their gossip next. You never want to be the victim of a scandal going around town. It’s necessary and a sign you should stay away from someone who is gossiping.

8. Enough of Excuses

That’s a great sign you should stay away from someone. If someone is always making excuses for their behavior or actions, it can be a sign that they’re not trustworthy. They are not taking responsibility for their actions and are not willing to be accountable for their mistakes.

This can lead to a breakdown in trust and respect between you and that person. It’s important to have people in your life who are reliable and honest, and who are willing to own up to their mistakes. People who work to improve themselves don’t give you the ‘take me as I am’ talk.

9. Always Trying to Control you


If someone is constantly trying to control your actions and decisions, it can be a sign of a toxic and manipulative relationship. It’s important to have the freedom to make your own choices and decisions without someone else trying to dictate them or having the fear of judgment or retribution.

It’s important to be aware of the signs of manipulation, such as guilt-tripping, gaslighting, or using fear and intimidation to get what they want. If you notice these signs, they’re signs you should stay away from someone as such and seek support from others who can help you navigate the situation. Remember, you deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.

10. They’re Always Trying to One-up You

If someone is always trying to prove themselves better than you or one-up you, it’s a great sign you should stay away from someone who displays such character. It can be a sign of insecurity or competitiveness. This kind of behavior can be draining and harmful to your self-esteem, and it can ultimately lead to a toxic relationship.

It’s important to surround yourself with people who are supportive and encouraging, rather than those who are constantly trying to one-up you or put you down. Remember, you deserve to be around people who lift you up and help you grow, rather than people who bring you down or make you feel small.

11. They’re Always Making You Feel Guilty

If someone is always making you feel guilty or like you’ve done something wrong, it can be a sign of emotional manipulation. It’s important to have healthy relationships where you feel free to express yourself without fear of judgment or manipulation.

If someone is always making you feel guilty, it can be a sign of emotional manipulation and control. This can lead to feelings of anxiety, self-doubt, and low self-esteem, which can have a damaging effect on your mental health and well-being.

It’s important to recognize when someone is using guilt to control you and to set healthy boundaries to protect your emotional well-being. Remember, you have the right to express yourself and make your own choices without fear of judgment or manipulation.

12. Always Crossing Boundaries

When someone constantly crosses your boundaries, it’s a sign of disrespect and can cause you to feel uncomfortable or unsafe. It’s important to set clear and healthy boundaries to protect your physical and emotional well-being. This may mean limiting interactions with people who consistently violate your boundaries.

Remember, you have the right to set boundaries and to say no to anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. It’s a good enough sign you should stay away from someone who would not treat you with respect.


If someone exhibits any of these signs, the solution might be to listen to your intuition and stay away from that person. Sometimes, making the decision to stay away from someone can be challenging, particularly if the person holds a significant place in our lives.

Yet, recognizing the signs that indicate danger is a proactive step in protecting ourselves from potential harm. Remember, you deserve healthy and meaningful relationships that support your growth and well-being. If someone close to you displays two or more of any of these signs mentioned above, then it’s a valid sign you should stay away from someone like that.


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