
Grace Nwajiaku

10 Types Of Toxic Partners – How to Handle Them

marriage, negativity and toxicity, toxic relationship

Today’s article will go over the various types of toxic partners. The essence of this discussion is to help you know them whenever you meet them. Some partners are difficult, domineering, egoistic, and nagging.

These partners love to control whoever they are in a relationship with, and they do not see anything wrong with it. They could relate well to other people. Outside, they are known as nice people, but their relationship is filled with many fights and disagreements. These are toxic partners.

Toxicity is not written on the face. The fact that someone is nice does not mean that he or she is the best of partners. Toxic partners are people who behave in a way that will emotionally and physically drain, damage, and destroy their partner.

[blockquote align=”none” author=”John Mark Green”]“Toxic people attach themselves like cinder blocks tied to your ankles and then invite you for a swim in their poisoned waters.”[/blockquote]

Types Of Toxic Partners #1 – The Jealous Partners

This is one type of toxic partner. The jealous partner wants to have you to himself. Some partners would not want to hang out with friends or see you speak with the opposite sex. Whenever he sees you with the opposite sex, he thinks you are cheating. If you are fond of a friend, he thinks that your friend is taking his place.

He does not want to see you constantly hanging out with friends or being close to the opposite sex. Sometimes, they playfully tell you that they are jealous. When they keep on saying that, it means that they have not built a level of trust in you. They take it to the extreme and want your world to revolve around them.

A little jealousy in a relationship could be good, but taking it too far can be toxic. Maya Angelou has this to say about jealousy in a relationship: “Jealousy in romance is like salt in food. A little can enhance the savor, but too much can spoil the pleasure and, under certain circumstances, can be life-threatening.”

Types Of Toxic Partners #2 – The Domineering Partner


[blockquote align=”none” author=”Sandra Horley”]“If you alter your behavior because you are frightened of how your partner will react, you are being abused.” [/blockquote]

A domineering partner is too controlling. A person who wants to control your goals, dreams, and decisions is a toxic partner. This can never be a healthy relationship, and it would not let you explore your choices and opinions.

In a relationship where you’re supposed to feel loved, safe, protected, etc but rather you’re scared to make certain decisions because you don’t know what the reaction of your partner would be.

The worst is that you’re even scared of accomplishing a task that will be beneficial to you simply because you have not informed your partner. And sometimes telling your partner about it becomes another problem altogether because it’s either you’re screamed at or your plan becomes frustrated.

What to do…?

If you have a partner that is too controlling, then you are in a toxic relationship and you need to do something fast about it. If you are a wife and feel your husband isn’t allowing you to express your gifts and dreams. Discuss it with him, and wisely make him buy into your dreams. Just don’t lose that touch of submissiveness.

Types Of Toxic Partners #3 – The Insecure Partner

An insecure partner will never trust you regardless of how hard you try. This could happen as a result of past experiences anyway. However, if you have made attempts to demonstrate your love for your partner but there is still an absence of trust, then your partner could be extremely insecure.

Likewise, you do not get healed in a relationship. Your aim for entering into a relationship shouldn’t be to get healed of past hurts. You should seek to get healed before walking into another relationship to avoid hurting your partner.

In a relationship, love goes with trust. You do not claim to love a person and yet do not trust them. This is unhealthy and toxic.


What to do…?

First, love your partner and understand their actions aren’t to hurt you but come from that feeling of insecurity. Don’t try to change your partner especially if you are in a marriage relationship. Rather, accept them and their weakness. Don’t be reactive. Love and understanding expressed over time can help build trust.

Types Of Toxic Partners #4 – The Absolute Perfectionist

Perfection is a nice element in a relationship, however, too much of it is toxic. A perfectionist is good because he or she would want you to perfect your career and be your best in the relationship. But It becomes excessive when your partner starts pointing out only your flaws and starts to complain about everything instead of helping you to work on them.

Your partner’s perfectionism becomes a threat to you the moment they start to mock you about your shortcomings. We are not perfect entities so we all make mistakes. However, the fact that you made a mistake should help you learn 1001 ways not to repeat the same trend since it’s unproductive.

Mistakes are part of learning and it helps us to improve better in the long run. Therefore, if your partner is not providing you with the needed support and it’s already hurting your emotions, then obviously he or she is toxic.

What to do…?

Let them know how uncomfortable you are with such over-reactive behaviors. If possible, let your partner know the best way to correct you so you can become better. That way, you take control of the situation and at the same time not be toxic. Your partner will adjust and act better if he/she loves you.

Types Of Toxic Partners #5 – The Bad-Tempered Partner


Some partners are so ill-tempered. They flair up on any little thing. Some even go ahead to destroy properties and ill-treat their partners whenever anger takes hold of them. That is a toxic behavior that can physically and emotionally harm your partner.

One of the most common toxic partners is the bad-tempered partner. You may have heard of people injuring their partners or even beating them to death because of their temper. If you have a partner who is bad-tempered, or if you are the bad-tempered one, then you’ve got to change. Become considerate then it’s time to do something about your relationship.

[blockquote align=”none” author=”Picazo Basha; Shambala Sect”]“People can’t unshackle all of their true strength without taming their temper.”[/blockquote]

Types Of Toxic Partners #6 – The Narcissistic

This is another type of toxic partner. The narcissist may claim to love you but see you as a tool, an accessory he or she possesses. A narcissist wants the world to revolve around them, and they want their relationship to always be talked about. That is toxic and unhealthy behavior in relationships.

[blockquote align=”none” author=”Bree Bonchay”]“Relationship with a narcissist in a nutshell: You will go from being the perfect love of their life to nothing you do is ever good enough. You will give everything, and they will take it all and give you less and less in return. You will end up depleted—emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and probably financially—and then get blamed for it.” [/blockquote]

Types Of Toxic Partners #7 – Competitive Partners

Competition is unhealthy in relationships. Unfortunately, some types of toxic partners are competitive partners. These are partners who do not want their partner to be better than them in any way.

They pick a fight and argue against plans and decisions for their partner. Some may even kick against a plan or opportunity because they do not want their partner to progress. This is toxic and very bad. Avoid such partners, and don’t become them.

[blockquote align=”none” author=”Mwanandeke Kindembo”]“Competing with the wrong people can easily ruin everything. They paid their price to get to this level. We must be prepared to do the same, rather than complaining and whining daily.” [/blockquote]

Types Of Toxic Partners #8 – The Lying Partner

Some partners are chronic liars. They lie all the time. They lie about both small and big things. They do not seem to care about their partner’s feelings. This could be draining and annoying. Dishonesty ruins relationships.

What to do…?

Find a neutral setting where you can discuss lying issues with your spouse in order to deal with this toxic behavior. Just be careful not to bring it up in the middle of the lie, because that will put them on the defensive. Do not judge your partner and ensure to keep loving them that will help them adjust quickly.

Types Of Toxic Partners #9 – The Blamers


This type of toxic partner is blind to their own wrongdoing. They will always blame you for anything that goes wrong in the relationship. The blaming partner is always pointing accusing fingers at his partner, but not at themselves. The blame attitude usually comes from that feeling of insecurity and unwillingness to take responsibility.

To deal with this, first, become the change you want in your partner. Learn to take responsibility for your wrongdoings and apologize adequately. Over time, your partner will learn to do the same. Most times, we unlearn the wrong attitudes and behaviors we have when we see the right model.

Types Of Toxic Partners #10 – Over-Independent Partner

I also call this type the overbearing partner. They make their partners buy them even the least of their wants while they conserve their own money. It becomes even worse if you have to drain your partner to have your way. This is especially common among female folks. While it’s certain the man should be the provider in a marriage relationship, do not overbear your man.

It is not fair to drain your partner’s finances when you are in the right position to also provide support. Endeavor not to be this kind of partner, and do your best to support and encourage your partner for the best.

The Conclusion

Dear reader, your relationship is meant to be therapeutic and not destructive. But when your supposed therapeutic relationship starts becoming threatened, you need to apply the brake and seek ways to fix it. In this article, I have shared with you the types of toxic partners, and I believe this will help you make better decisions regarding your relationships.


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