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5 Best Whole Wheat Pastry Flour Substitute 


Whole wheat pastry flour has a distinct flavor and texture which many individuals often struggle to adjust to from white flour. It generally prevents the outcome of baking profiteroles, cakes, cookies and a number of other specialty “pastry” items that would otherwise be made with white flour.

Despite being called pastry flour, it is basically just a finely processed version of regular whole meal flour and is thus not difficult to bake using a somewhat standard whole meal flour recipe.

However, there are many individuals who habitually eat whole wheat products and would prefer to do so for the added health benefits. This has led to high demand for whole wheat pastries and, subsequently, the improvement of recipes specific for whole wheat pastry, with some trial and error involved.

This article will help you understand what whole wheat pastry flour is, its nutritional benefits and other flours that can be used to substitute whole wheat pastry flour.

Whole Wheat Pastry Flour Substitutes

1. All-purpose Flour

All-purpose flour is a mix of high and low-extraction-rate flours and hence has an average protein content of 10–12%. This is advantageous since carbon dioxide cells increase in size as temperature decreases, so having a flour that will produce some gluten for structure but not become tough when baked at higher temperatures is useful for many different recipes.

The objective of using Whole Wheat pastry flour rather than all-purpose flour is primarily related to fiber and texture. Also, Whole wheat flour has a higher protein content when compared to white flour.

Substituting all-purpose flour in place of whole wheat pastry flour will result in a decreased amount of fiber in the baked item and fiber has the capacity to make dough more elastic and complex since it retains fluid and holds moisture when baking.

Following a good guideline, it is advisable to increase the fluid amount by an extra 2 tablespoons when substituting whole wheat flour with white flour. The reason behind this can be that whole wheat flour tends to retain more fluid than white flour. Whole Wheat pastry flour, on the other hand, is produced from soft wheat and contains a finely ground endosperm, resulting in a smoother texture.

2. Almond Flour

Almond flour is not only a low-carbohydrate and nutritious substitute for wheat flour; it also has various health benefits. Almond flour is made from ground sweet almonds and is commonly utilized in baking items. When baking and dealing with certain flours, the end result is not consistent like the conventional wheat items we are accustomed to so make sure to follow the recipe, as often a slight adjustment in the amount of almond flour or the addition of an extra egg white can result in a  different final product.

There are a lot of reasons for substituting almond flour in place of whole wheat pastry flour. As we know, substituting any sort of flour depends on your purposes and what you expect from it, and of course, the substitution affects protein (gluten), texture and flavor. We have noticed that almond flour contains a more distinctive flavor that will stand out in lighter baked goods, so it can be used as a base for pie crusts, cakes, breads, cookies, pancakes and so on.

There are several reasons to opt for almond flour rather than traditional flour products. For example, if you’re allergic to grains, almond flour could be a great alternative. General flour will also promote growth in yeast and other organisms, though almond flour is high in mono-saturated fats and contains substances that will help the body keep certain yeast and microbes from overgrowing.

3. Coconut Flour

Coconut flour features a nutty taste, is lightweight and has a slight sweetness, making it a great substitute for wheat and other grain flours. This choice is perfect for people with gluten sensitivities and diabetes due to the high fiber and protein content and low sugar levels. It is also rich in protein, fiber and good fats.

Coconut flour is a satisfying flour that can diminish the glycemic record of food and keep up blood sugar levels. Coconut flour is an excellent source of solvent fiber, providing 5 grams in just 2 tablespoons, making it a useful digestive aid.

Coconut flour serves as an interesting substitute for conventional wheat flours. It is fundamentally utilized in baking as either a standalone flour or combined with other wheat flours. It comes from the genuine flesh of the coconut and should not be mistaken for coconut milk or oil. The item encompasses a high amount of fiber and protein and a low amount of carbohydrates compared to other flour items available.

Although coconut flour is generally modern compared to other flours, it is quickly developing in popularity. This item is made for people who are intolerant to gluten, allergic to nuts, or basically like trying out new and exciting food alternatives.

4. Oat Flour

Oat flour is a sort of flour made from whole oat groats, ground into a fine powder. It contains a light, somewhat sweet flavor and is frequently utilized to add moistness to baked products. Oat flour is an astounding source of dietary fiber and contains other supplements such as protein, thiamine, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and manganese.

Oat flour may be a great alternative to whole wheat cake flour. It is known to be the leading flour to use in baking and It contributes a sweet flavor of its own, which makes it a favorite for various baked products. Using oat flour helps products retain their moistness, which is amazingly helpful when attempting to bake low-fat products.

Oat flour is the product of finely ground raw oats. In order to make it at home, essentially take regular rolled oats and blend them in a food processor until a fine powder is obtained. Oat flour can be utilized alone when it is desired to have a moist, delicate baked item or in combination with other flours to make products with more structure.

It has been reported that oat flour will only last for a brief period of time in the pantry and has the propensity to turn foul. Storing it in a solidly sealed container in the refrigerator or freezer will help to keep it fresh and with oat flour’s various benefits, substituting it for whole wheat pastry flour would still make a quality oat flour item.

5. Cake Flour

Cake flour is a finely milled white flour made from soft wheat, which has slightly less protein than all-purpose flour and produces tender, delicate baked goods.

Utilizing cake flour as a substitute for whole wheat pastry flour offers a number of benefits to the baker. The first reason to switch the two is texture. As stated earlier, whole wheat flour results in a product with a coarse and crumbly texture. For this reason, it is not recommended for tender baked goods like cakes and pastries.

Gluten is a protein in flour that gives structure and elasticity to baked goods. While gluten is desirable in bread baking since it gives great volume and a chewy texture, it can be less desirable in many other baked items, such as pie crusts, cookies, cakes, muffins and quick breads.

In cake making, it is desirable to produce the most delicate and velvety crumb in the cake layer. The method we utilize to try to achieve minimal gluten development is the flour mixing method. This strategy uses specific types of flour to produce a particular gluten content for the desired grain and texture.

The cake flour mixing strategy uses soft wheat cake flour and a reverse creaming method to create a delicate, moist cake with a very fine alveolar structure and reduced stalling due to retrogradation of the starches during storage. This is often the exact texture and crumb that we need to achieve with a healthier whole grain cake using cake flour as a substitute.

What Is Whole Wheat Pastry Flour?

Whole wheat pastry flour is low-protein, finely ground delicate wheat flour that is made from the complete wheat kernel, including the bran and germ, which implies it retains the starch and nutrients that are stripped from white flours. A number of producers strip the bran and germ from the kernel and, after that, include back supplements in at the end of processing. This implies that it has been “enriched.”

The word pastry can scare people away, but it basically refers to the fact that it is of the delicate wheat variety, and will hence yield a delicate rather than tough product. Whole wheat pastry flour makes amazing pastry, and it can also be used as a general-purpose flour. It will impart a delicate quality to your baked products; include it in place of grocery store whole wheat flour to recipes that you need to lighten yet still retain a whole grain quality.

Keep in mind that whole wheat pastry flour is not whole wheat flour. Whole wheat flour is high in gluten, while whole wheat pastry flour is low in gluten. Substituting whole wheat flour for whole wheat pastry flour or vice versa isn’t recommended and will not deliver satisfactory results.

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