13 ways to boost your body confidence

Joseph Kalu

Ditch the mirror and celebrate your strengths: 13 ways to boost your body confidence, Therapists Says

Confidence, Self-Love, story

Perhaps more than ever, we are bombarded with photos of other people’s bodies, and it is natural to compare ourselves to these unattainable ideals.

How can you learn to accept your body for what it is? Therapists give their tips on ways to boost your body confidence

1. Understand the purpose of your body.

RyanMcGuire, Pixabay

Your body is not an item to be admired or desired; rather, it is a vehicle for “getting you places.”. You have two legs to walk about and two arms to pick up stuff.

Be grateful that your body can perform those things. Imagine what life would be like without legs. How much harder would it be?

When I’m looking for things to appreciate my body for, I always say, “Thank you for getting me to work or helping me climb those stairs,” which reminds me that there is more to the body than simply how it appears!

2. Recognize that accepting your body matters.

13 ways to boost your body confidence
sabinemondestin, Pixabay

“Your body is the longest friendship you will ever have, and it is important to take care of that relationship,” says Tasha Bailey, a therapist based in south-east London and author of the book Real Talk. Body confidence is a significant source of anxiety for her customers, “especially among women and non-binary people,” she says, and people are becoming more interested in cosmetic operations as they have become more mainstream.

3. Know that we live in a challenging time for body image.

13 ways to boost your body confidence
NoName_13, pixabay

“Over the past 15 years, beauty ideals have changed a lot: with AI, photo editing, and filters, they are more unrealistic than ever,” says Phillippa Diedrichs, professor of psychology at the Centre for Appearance Research at the University of the West of England in Bristol and author of the upcoming The Body Confidence Book for teenagers. “There are numerous possibilities to compare ourselves online, and now we can construct images of ourselves that attempt to emulate them. I believe this sheds light on very human characteristics that have always existed, but are sadly magnified by social media and selfie culture.

4. Consider how social media affects how you feel about yourself.

13 ways to boost your body confidence
pixundfertig, Pixabay

The advent of social media has played a significant role in self-esteem difficulties in recent years, according to Thomas Midgley, who founded The Body Image Treatment Clinic in London in 2019 after many years of working with people with eating disorders in the NHS. “During the pandemic, some of our younger clients increased their social media use from one hour a day to five or six,” adds Midgley. “Many of them spend this time following the tailored lives of influencers. This includes seeing them conduct photoshoots on the beach in swimwear or working out in exercise gear before focusing on what they eat and drink to maintain their bodies, with a healthy dose of product advertising sprinkled throughout. People who are watching are desperate to be like these people, which fosters a strong sense of inadequacy and obsession with body image.

6. Carefully curate your feeds.

13 ways to boost your body confidence
StockSnap, Pixabay

Diedrichs advocates reimagining social media as a platform that we can actively curate. “Try an experiment for a week. When using social media, consider how specific postings or accounts make you feel. Are you motivated and uplifted? Or do you think you’re not good enough? Do you feel more anxious or uncomfortable in your body? If you sense yourself feeling envious, try muting or unfollowing stuff that makes you uncomfortable, and search for new accounts that inspire you. Then see how you feel during the next week. If you observe a positive change, schedule time to prune and curate your feed every few months. If you don’t see a difference, it may be time to take a break from social media,” she advises.

7. Pamper yourself.

13 ways to boost your body confidence
photosforyou, Pixabay

Every now and then, make an effort to do something nice for yourself and your body. It does not have to be large or expensive, but it must be self-care.

In other words, treat your body as if it were your greatest friend.


8. Find peace with your body.

darkside-550, Pixabay

Bailey recommends scanning your body attentively on a frequent basis, focusing “not on what your body looks like, but how you feel in it.” Consider the parts you tend to judge, such as your tummy, thighs, arms, or anything else. Apologize for that judgment and instead thank that part of your body for all of its other functions. “Creating a new narrative around those parts of the body is extremely beneficial.” She also suggests depicting portions of the body that you need to reconcile with. “This will let you perceive that area of your body in a different light. And to truly enjoy it and spend time gazing at it with respect and compassion rather than suspicion.”

9. Consider how beauty norms evolve with time.

13 ways to boost your body confidence
DzeeShah, Pixabay

“Talk to older people and ask them what trends were popular when they were younger,” Diedrichs advises. “You’ll see that aspirations were considerably different even ten years ago, and will most certainly change in the future. Having those interactions makes you appreciate how fleeting such ideals are, and how feeling pressured to meet them is a rigged game, a never-ending and unfulfilling loop.”

10. Tell yourself that you look wonderful.

avi_acl, Pixabay

I’m a huge supporter of affirmations. Even if you don’t, be honest: you’re doing them without even realizing it. Every time you tell yourself something ugly and terrible about your body, it is an affirmation, albeit a negative one. So begin by repeating some body-positive affirmations.

11. Allow your body to surprise you.

RobinHiggins, Pixabay

Kevin Braddock, a therapist and fitness coach, owns The Soma Space in Oswestry, Shropshire. “Our premise is ‘movement for mental health’, using exercise as a way to assist people,” he says. Visitors to the studio “surprise themselves,” particularly with boxercise and weightlifting, which look to be intimidating activities.

I believe this is where body confidence can come from: if you are gently guided through the process, you may realize that you can lift 50kg or punch continuously for a minute, which is not simple. Overall, gym culture continues to promote the idea of six-pack abs and weight loss, which can be very humiliating. However, physical activity is inherently beneficial: it improves mood by generating endorphins, and it makes people feel stronger and more in control of their bodies.

12. Accept that our bodies change as we age.

shawrypa, Pixabay

“When we get older,” states Diedrichs, “we often change in ways that move us away from what society tells us is the ideal way to look.” However, it is crucial to practice appreciation for our bodies because they carry us through life and serve as a vehicle for our travels and experiences. It may feel uncomfortable or poorly at times, and we will have aches and pains, but its numerous functions are complex, wonderful, and deserving of thanks.”

13. Do not make changes to your body without significant thinking.

Peggy_Marco, Pixabay

Bailey asks customers considering cosmetic surgery, “How happy are you going to be once this procedure is finished?” It is not a decision to be taken lightly, she argues, despite the fact that it has become so ubiquitous. “It is incredibly crucial to dissect what the motives are behind it, what satisfaction it will offer, and will there be anything else that they will focus on next?”

What is our opinion?

However, it is crucial to practice self-love for our bodies because they carry us through life and serve as a vehicle for our travels and experiences. It may feel uncomfortable or poorly at times, and we will have aches and pains, but its numerous functions are complex, wonderful, and deserving of thanks.”

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