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Personal Injury vs. Bodily Injury: Explained in 3 Key Points

The legal terminology in personal injury cases varies depending on the injuries sustained. While “personal injury” refers to physical harm, emotional distress, and violation of individual rights, “bodily injury” is used primarily in insurance cases to refer to physical injury. The distinction between these terms influences one’s right and extent to legal compensation. Knowing which ...

Rebecca Smith


9 Examples of Mortgage Fraud

Facing a mortgage fraud charge in Texas is a serious and complex situation, and understanding the specific type of fraud you’re accused of can take some stress out of the situation. If you’ve been accused of mortgage fraud, talk with experienced local mortgage fraud lawyers right away to protect yourself. 9 Examples of Mortgage Fraud ...

Rebecca Smith


What Happens During a Child Custody Trial?

Child custody trials in Texas are complex legal proceedings with significant implications for children and families. Understanding the steps involved can alleviate some of the anxiety and equip you to participate effectively, but be sure to talk to a family lawyer in Houston, TX for more information on what you can expect specifically with your ...


The Essential Guide to Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

5 Ways an Accident Lawyer Can Help You After a Crash

In the aftermath of a car crash, victims often find themselves overwhelmed with a multitude of concerns. From dealing with physical injuries, such as whiplash or broken bones, to navigating the complex process of filing insurance claims and handling legal matters, the aftermath can be an incredibly stressful and challenging time. That’s where experienced Kansas ...