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Qualities of a Best Friend: 16 Best Qualities

When it comes to social connections, one of the invaluable social connections that we make is the relationship we have with friends. There are friends that we have established deep connections with so much that they have become a very important part of our lives. These types of friends are the ones we call best ...


9 Lovely Titles For Friends 

Life isn’t truly complete without friendship. Friendship spices up life and relationships. It’s a state of being friends, a relationship between two persons that brings trust, intimacy, respect, care, love and emotional bonding. Life without a true friendship is tasteless. Even though many have had bad experiences having friends and being betrayed by those they ...

Joy Ayaya


If They Want to They Will: 6 Possible Interpretations

This phrase, “if they want to, they will,” is obviously an old statement, which essentially means that if they really need or want you in their life, they will try all their best to be in your life, which entails boldly showing up and striking up conversations. It means that if they are genuinely interested ...