
Olajumoke Oyaleke

Letter to My Husband During Difficult Time 

letter to husband, love letter, marriage

Dear Husband,

                  I am writing this letter to you to express my feelings and show you how much support I have for you in this trying moment. I know things have not been going the way we want recently, and I think the best way to let you know that you have my support and that I believe in you is through this letter.

                I want you to know that life has its ups and downs, and there are moments when we have to face so many challenges because that is part of life and I know this is just a temporary situation that I know we will overcome soon.

               You know this is not the first time that we have been in this kind of situation together and look at us today, still standing strong and living life despite the challenges. You know we have been in even worse situations than this present one, yet you and I won over that challenge together, my husband.

              Do you know one of the things I admire about you? I admire your strength and resilience. You are a strong man and you have always handled every situation with such strength and resilience. You have been strong for me ever since I met you. You have been strong for me and the children, and it inspires me. I am blessed to have such a man as you as my husband.  I must say, I am so proud of you. That is why I call you my hero.

                My love, I want you to know that I see all you do and how hard you are trying. I want you to know that I have so much faith in you.  I know you will come out of this just like you have always done.

              I want you to know that I am here for you. If you are having a bad day and you need someone to talk to, you know I am always here. I will always be here to listen to you. I am always praying for you and I know that God has never disappointed me. He will see us through this, just like he has always seen us through difficult situations. There is no life struggle that we cannot navigate together in this life.

               In the face of despair and moments like this, remember all the memories we have shared together as a couple—both the happy and warm moments—and these are all that have become our love story.

              As we go through all of the challenges together, my love, I want you to know that my love for you is deep and true and I want you to be comforted in the assurance that no matter what happens, even if the whole world leaves, I will always be here, standing by you.

               Remember the promises that we made to each other: that we will never leave each other no matter what life throws at us, that we will always be there for each other and that it’s better for worse and till death do us apart. I hold you dearly and the promises are not just mere words to me; they are a fulfillment and a sign of my commitment to you and to us.

             You and I are a team, my love, and that is why we will work together as one to solve these problems together. My love for you is not here for just the happy days. My love will always stay and remain with you both in the good and the bad days.

             When I look at you, what I see is a strong, determined man who always aims for the best. You have achieved so much through your relentless effort and I’m so proud of you for that. If no one has told you this before, you are a great man and you should be proud of yourself too.

             Take a moment and think of how far you have come. Think of all the things you have achieved; even if you are not a warrior, look at all the battles you have wrestled by yourself and won. That is why I have so much faith in you, babe. If you have made it this far, what is it you cannot achieve?

               Babe, it’s okay to feel weak and tired. When you are weak, I’m here to be your strength. When you need a shoulder to lean on, I’m here for you anytime. In a moment when you need someone to pour out your mind to someone, you know I’ll always be here to give you a listening ear. You can always count on me, my love. You are a good man and all I want is for you to be happy.

               You have always been my happiness and my source of joy; you have always been there for me, even when it seems like no one is close to me. You, my love, have always treated me with much love and respect and I think a man who is as good as you deserves nothing but the best in life. You deserve to be happy, and that is why I’ll do all in my power to put a smile on your face.

                If there’s ever a second chance to do life together with you again, I’ll always choose you again and again. Our love story is a beautiful one, even in the face of adversity. This is why I can attest to the fact that love is indeed a beautiful thing. The mix of the not-so-good days that make up our love day is part of what makes us a stronger couple.

             Hey, love, I want you to smile and forget your worries for now because everything will be alright. Everything will be fine and I cannot wait for you to be back and celebrate our wins and cheer for our achievements and our fierceness and perseverance even in the face of challenges. I love you forever, my king.

From your Loving Wife


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