
Chinonso Nwajiaku

Top 11 Inspiring Jalen Hurts Quotes

Celebrity Quotes, Inspiring Quotes

Professional American football player Jalen Hurts is well-known for his great on-field skills and motivational speeches off the field. Throughout his career, Hurts has shared a number of insightful quotes and words of wisdom that speak to his core principles and beliefs.

Jalen Hurts’ quotes can teach anyone who wants to reach their goals a lot, from how important it is to work hard and keep going to how valuable it is to be positive and take charge. Given this, we’ve gathered ten of our favorite quotes from Jalen Hurts to shed light on the player’s philosophy and outlook on both life and sport.

Jalen Hurts Quotes

1. “I had a purpose before everybody had an opinion. It’s not about anybody else,”

Jalen Hurt delivered this quote while speaking to a reporter about his critics, prior to a game in early 2023.

2. “You gotta believe in yourself, and that’s the first step.”

As the saying goes. Achieving one’s objectives begins with having faith in oneself and trust in one’s abilities. You’ve got to believe that you can actually make it in life and achieve success in that endeavor.

3. “I’m a competitor. I’m gonna give it my all every single time.”

This Jalen Hurts quote exemplifies his’ fiercely competitive nature and his unwavering commitment to putting out his very best effort at all times.

4. “When you get knocked down, you’ve got to have the courage to get back up and keep fighting.”


This uplifting phrase is a reminder of the value of staying the course despite setbacks. If you are knocked down, get yourself up and keep going; failure is not an option

5. “I’m just trying to be the best version of myself that I can be.”

This quote from the great American star highlights the significance of personal development and making strides toward bettering oneself.

6. “I don’t look at myself as a backup, I look at myself as a starter in waiting.”

The quote stresses the need of keeping an optimistic outlook and being ready to seize new opportunities as they arise.

7. “You can’t get too high or too low. You’ve got to stay even-keeled.”

Here, Jalen Hurts underlines the need of keeping one’s equilibrium and calm at all times, particularly in trying circumstances.

8. “I always try to lead by example, and I always try to lead with positivity.”

This Jalen Hurts quote is simply saying “when I’m in charge, I want to set a good example and spread optimism.” This citation highlights the significance of leadership and positivism as potent instruments for encouraging and inspiring people to achieve their goals.

9. “The only thing that’s guaranteed in life is hard work.”

To succeed in life, the hard effort is all that can be counted on. Jalen Hurt was emphasizing the value of hard work and the concept that sustained effort over time is frequently the key to achieving one’s goals.

10. “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.”

This saying is indirectly saying: “Enjoy the ride, not the destination.” It reminds us that it’s not enough to just aim for success; we should find pleasure in the journey itself and absorb as much knowledge as possible along the way.

11. “If you want something bad enough, you’ll find a way to get it.”

This Jalen Hurts Quote underlines the value of perseverance and tenacity in accomplishing one’s objectives.

Jalen Hurts’ quotes are hard to interpret without context. Over the years, the Philadelphia Eagles quarterback has made several remarks that demonstrate his dedication, work ethic, and leadership. His quotes show that he is a dedicated athlete who is driven and focused on what he does, and we can learn from him.

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