
Joy Ayaya

How To Express Your Love To Your Girlfriend: 23 Perfect Ways

Dating Tips For Men, love

Your girlfriend is your treasure and you want her happiness. You want to do everything to make her yours. It is not a bad thing to have known her for years.

If you are looking for how to express your love to your girlfriend, I will tell you.  Appreciate her, randomly send a love message and use a gift. This is how to express your love to your girlfriend. These will also strengthen her love for you.

Going the extra mile to express your love to her will make her value you. It will make her feel safe and secure, even if she is confused or not sure about your love. I will give you tips and allow you to perform the magic.

How To Express Your Love To Your Girlfriend: 23 Ways

1. Use Gifts

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Girls love gifts, especially those for whom it is their love language. A little gift can perform this magic; it must not be costly or big. The gift of a man makes way for him, so the holy scripture said. The gift to your lady consistently will create a special space for you in her heart.

2. Random Love Messages

Expressing love through text messages seems to be a cliché. However, it is still powerful and you can make yours different by sending love-filled messages. Don’t wait till bedtime or during her birthday to express your love.

Imagine how she will feel—the blush on her face when she sees your surprise message. It will make her feel special.

3. Use Post-In Notes

A post-in note is a unique way to express your love to your girlfriend. Write a love message or sketch a picture or emoji that depicts love on sticky notes. Paste it in a place where your lover can see it. It can be on her tablet PC, laptop or handbag.

Sticky notes are warm and delightful.

4. Long And Warm Hug

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The thrill and chills that your girlfriend will feel after getting an unexpected long but warm hug will be unimaginable.

It has the potential to calm nerves and ease worried minds and rising tempers. It will make her feel loved. This alone is enough to express your love for her.

5. Love Letters

This sounds outdated, right? It is not; the advent of technology did not take this out of vogue. Doing this will excite your girlfriend, seeing that it took you a lot to write it.  Love letters are therapeutic. Additionally, it lets you express your love without restrictions.

You can choose to send the love letter via email if you don’t want to write it down with a pen. Going the extra mile for a lady makes her feel unique. Bet me, with this, you have secured yourself a place in her heart. This is how to express your love to your lady.

6. Long But Silent Cuddle

Cuddling, just like hugging, can be therapeutic for your lover. You can silently cuddle her while sitting down on a couch or during a discussion. Furthermore, this will make her feel more precious than anything else in the world. This is how to express your love to your girlfriend.

7. Listen To Her

Be a good listener instead of a talkative one. Spend time with her and hear what she has to say. This is a simple yet difficult way for some people to express their love. If you say you love her, let her see it through your actions. Girls love those who are good listeners. Those eager to sit and listen to all their problems and needs.

8. Spend Quality Time

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Like a gift, this could be your girlfriend’s love language. Try to figure it out. If this is your own lady’s language, she will value you more than anything. A guy who claims to love a girl but never creates space to spend quality time with her is a liar.  Lack of this has led to broken relationships and I know you do not want to lose her. During the weekend, you can take her to special places. Additionally, take her out on a date or watch movies together randomly.

9. Respect Her Opinions

One of the ways a girl will know you love her is by respecting her opinion. Indeed, you must not accept everything she says, but let her know that her opinion matters. Let her know that you are her lover, not a dictator.

10. Acts Of Service

Like gifts and spending quality time, this could be her love language. Some girls can only tell if a guy loves them if they are always ready to help.

You might not be able to do house chores since you are not living together, but you can do other things. You can help her fix her broken home appliances, and bag or even help waybill her products. With this, you have not only eased her stress but also made her feel loved. This is how to express your love to your girlfriend.

11. Attention

Every woman loves attention. If you can give her undivided attention, you have won her heart. Don’t be distracted by another thing when she is talking to you. Being distracted will make her feel sad.

Additionally, if she is sick, try to ask her how she is feeling and pamper her. Give her attention. She doesn’t just want to hear it; she wants to feel it. This is how to express your love to your girlfriend.

12. Compliment Her

Mehn, this can make a girl go crazy. Imagine the joy that will be in her heart when you compliment her new hair or dress. Sweet, lovely and genuine compliments will make her feel special.

13. Be Her Number one Fan

If you claim to love a girl, she will want you to be her cheerleader. Be the one to praise her for any accomplishments. Be the one to encourage her when she is about to perform on stage or carry out a project. Let her know you are rooting for her.

14. Understand Her

One of the ways to express love to your partner is by understanding her.  A lady will love you more if she notices that you understand her. Just by merely looking at her, you know she is sad or happy. Knowing that she has someone who understands her will give her a sense of satisfaction and security.

15. Appreciate And Respect her

This is how to express your love to your girlfriend. Men like respect, but women seem to cherish it more. Don’t talk to her anyhow in public; it shows disrespect. Respect her decisions and honour her sincere requests. Appreciate her hard work and accomplishments.

16. Create A Mixtape

Compile a playlist of love songs that hold special meaning in her heart. She will love it. Imagine the tears that will fall from her eyes while playing the song with an emotional background. Additionally, it will make the day memorable. This is how to express your love to your girlfriend.

17. Public Display Of Affection(PDA)

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Some ladies love it when you display love in public. PDA can be as simple as holding hands and smiling on the road. The impression is heartwarming. Showing her off means being proud of her.

18. Send Her Dessert

You can package her favourite dessert and get it delivered to her workplace. Imagine the smile and feeling of love on her face when the delivery guy says the meat pie and ice cream are from you. You can also add some love notes or flowers to spice it up.

19. Call Her Randomly

Words are powerful. Pick up your phone and call her in between the day’s activities. Do not just call her and ask her how work is going; say sweet love lines. Say something like, “I can not stop thinking about you.’ ‘ You are beautiful in and out, that is why I love you.’ or’ You make me feel better when I am around you.’

Words pierced into a woman’s heart faster than a man’s. As you are saying those words, monitor her mood. Though you are not with her, you will notice that she is blushing. This is how to express your love to your girlfriend. It makes her feel like she is always on your mind.

20. Write And Dedicate A Poem To Her

Last month, I read a poem written by a guy to his lover. My mind was blown away. Imagine if I were the one to whom the poem was dedicated. Poems are ways you can express love and penetrate the heart of your lady. You must not be a good writer; just try to combine your words into rhythms. This will make her feel like your queen.

21. Call Her Pet Names Alternately

Nicknames or pet names have a way of passing a message to the recipient. Calling your girlfriend by pet names like babe, love, angel, dear, sweetheart, or queen has a way of conveying a strong feeling of love and endearment. This is how you can express your love to your girlfriend.

22. Take Her On A Vacation

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The vacation must not be in a costly place; let it be a special place. Let it be a place that can create good memories. Going on a vacation does not only serve as a way of expressing love but also as a way to bond together.

23. Forgiveness

Whom you love, you forgive. Another way to express love to your lover is by forgiving her no matter what she does. Disagreement and mistakes are bound to happen, but you must learn to forgive. It is not going to be easy, but you must not be seen holding grudges against the one you love.

A lady will know that you love her when you forgive her for something she least expected. This is how you can express love to your queen.

Final Word

Your lover is one of your priorities. Hence, you must do everything to show you love her. How to express your love to your girlfriend is by giving gifts and taking her on a vacation. A relationship is sweet with genuine love. Do it! Show it!

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