Active Kids

Rebecca Siggers

Active Kids, Happy Kids: The Benefits Of A Jungle Gym 

Active Kids, Jungle Gym

Young age is the time to grow one’s physical and mental agility. However, most kids nowadays get engrossed in digital screens from an early age and become physically inactive. The urban landscapes also pose a problem, as there are not enough open spaces where your child might partake in playful sports.  

In this regard, a jungle gym can be an excellent space for your kids to participate in various athletic activities. Visiting a jungle gym regularly can turn your child into a confident and strong individual with an edge over others in whatever they do in the future. 

What Is A Jungle Gym? 

A jungle gym refers to a neat structure placed in small open spaces for kids to hang, run, climb, sit, jump, or slide. The equipment consists of many parts, and it is customizable, meaning that the structure can be used to make a playground fort, castle, or any other plaything according to the kids’ liking.  

Although most of the structure consists of straight and curved bars, they are open-ended and flexible to accommodate accessories like rings and swings. Since jungle gyms are compact, a backyard jungle gym can easily engage your kids, besides making them fitter. 

What Are The Benefits Of A Jungle Gym?

Provides A Safer Alternative 

Parents want their kids to play in the open or at least in the parks. But they also fear about the security of their kids if they are unattended. A jungle gym close to your house can be a perfect option to let your kids play and enjoy themselves while you watch their activities.  

A pre-designed compact jungle gym does not take up much space, and you can easily fit a structure in your backyard. Moreover, setting up a jungle gym at home means you can even let your toddler stroll around the structure and enjoy the playthings.

Enhances Physical Fitness

Many children idle their time away playing video games or surfing the internet, often making them unfit and even obese. If you install a jungle gym in your house, your kids can have the opportunity to participate in playful physical activities without the need to go outside.  

You can add accessories like swing chains, rock climbing holds, steel swing bars, dome climbers, steel ladders, and slides to make the gym even more interesting and physically demanding for the kids.

Improves Imaginative Power

The ability to imagine and create things is a sign of a child’s development. A jungle gym, with its various accessories and games, can pose an imaginative challenge for your children, making them think and act according to the task.  

For example, a ladder placed at the jungle gym will prompt your child to learn how to climb a ladder. Similarly, swings or slides can help your child learn the uses of different objects.

Boosts Problem Solving Skills

A jungle gym requires a lot of equipment and open parts that need careful assembling and use. Playing different games also requires mental and environmental alertness. While there are ready-made jungle gyms, many structures require careful assembling.  

If you involve your kids in setting up the gym structures or they observe how the pieces come together to complete the platform, it will improve their cognitive and analytical skills.

Develop healthier Social Relationships

Social skills are critical for the development of children. Social skills and etiquette teach kids how to engage and communicate with people. Participating in a jungle gym will teach patience and perseverance to your children. Since the gym will be open, your kids will have many more opportunities to meet and talk to people. It will also let them observe nature’s surroundings and beauty, improving their emotional faculties.

Increases Visual-Spatial Skills

Visual-spatial skill refers to one’s ability to see, interpret, understand, remember, and recollect visual information. It allows us to control and operate items in space based on prompt judgment. The games in a jungle gym not only entertain the kids physically, but they also demand good hand-eye coordination.  

For example, when a kid rides the swing, they have to be careful of the range and speed of the swing; otherwise, they might fall.

Makes Children Happy And Entertained

It is not easy to keep kids entertained for a prolonged period, especially when they are home during holidays. Unlike busy parents, children like playing, doing things, and moving from one place to another tirelessly.  

Having a jungle gym at home can keep the kids occupied and entertained, and the parents can do their work peacefully. On the other hand, the kids will love to go through gym games instead of doing other boring stuff.

Keeps Children Away From Screens

According to research, over 70% of parents are concerned that their children spend too much time in front of digital screens. Keeping children away from screens has become a serious parenting challenge. Jungle gyms can be a fun alternative to engage your kids and keep them away from digital screens.   

Final Words    

Every little thing you do for your kids plays a significant role in their development. Setting up a jungle gym for your kids is one such little step that will make them active and healthy and bring a smile to their faces. 

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