
Grace Ehimare

6 Subtle Signs He Completely Fallen for You

Dating Tips For Women, love, Relationship Signs, Signs

Men are more complex than we are sometimes made to believe. They have different modes of communication from women.

While a woman may be upfront and direct with her communication, a man may use nonverbal means such as body language and actions or inactions to communicate (It’s mutual though). This sometimes spills over into their relationships.

A man might hide his true feelings from you for fear of rejection, or because he doesn’t know if the timing is right. He may also not know how to tell you the way he feels or may have suffered heartbreak and is trying to protect himself by being silent about his feelings.

But beyond hiding his feelings, there are certain things you could observe—those nonverbal communication media—that can help you know what is on his heart.

So if you are that lady who wants to know the meaning of those signals you are getting from that guy you care about, even though he hasn’t taken the necessary steps to move the relationship forward, read on. This article will give you signs that he’s been caught by Cupid.

Knowing these signs will help you know if he is worthy of your exclusive attention or if you should move on, despite the vibes you sense from him.

It will also save you from someone who isn’t sure of what they want—one who enjoys your company but doesn’t love you enough to take the relationship to the next level. You’ll get to know if he’s worth waiting for or is just a time waster.

This will help you assume the right posture to help him get out his feelings and his intentions for your relationship.

Let’s dive into the 6 Signs he completely fallen for you.

6 Signs He Completely Fallen for You

1. He respects you

When a man is head over heels in love with you, it will show in the way that he treats you. He’ll be loving, kind, and respectful even when under stress or in disagreement.

Just as no one can force out of your stomach what you haven’t eaten, stress only amplifies a person’s attitude.

So if he has anger issues or isn’t understanding, for instance, stressful situations will bring that out of him.  But if in such situations, he is still kind and respectful and doesn’t hurt you with his words and actions, it’s a sign that he loves you.

He would try to leave an impression of his good nature each time he was around you, and he wouldn’t be forcing it.

Observe the way he treats you around friends and family, it will go a long way toward showing the value he places on you.

A man who loves you also respects your boundaries. He wouldn’t push you to compromise them or put you in a situation where you would have to choose between your principles and him. He respects you.

2. He finds you attractive

Andrea Piacquadio, Pexels

The saying, “Love is blind,” is true, especially because when a man has caught the love bug, he is blind to the flaws in your physical appearance. He finds you beautiful, even in your grungy state.

He admires you, and to him, you are perfect. No, he can’t notice the big nose or the acne. He just loves the way the sun strokes your hair, giving it a vibrant color. He loves the brightness in your eyes and the way you smile. His eyes light up when he looks at you.

He loves you and finds your quirks adorable. He finds those things about you that irritate others to be funny and lovely.

You will most likely catch him checking you out. You could be in the middle of a conversation when, instead of listening to you, he stops to admire you and just takes in the details of your features. Not in a lustful way, but in a way of really noticing you.

He is present in conversations and really listens to you; the quality of your conversations is richer. He is sometimes quiet when you are around because he just wants to listen to your perspective and opinions.

He makes an effort to connect with you emotionally and intellectually because of the value he places on you.

3.   He cares for you and the things or people that concern you

Have you noticed that your man is paying attention to the things you care about? He listens to you as you talk about your goals, dreams, ambitions, hobbies, and even your struggles.

He listens with empathy and creates a safe space for you to be free and vulnerable.

He is doing this because he wants your world to become his, and vice versa. He wants to get to know you more so that he can know how best to love and care for you.

He not only listens but seeks ways to alleviate whatever hurt you may be experiencing. Also, as a sign that he cares for you, he doesn’t deliberately hurt you or use the things you tell him as a weapon against you.

Whenever you are going through troubled seasons in your life, he is always there to provide support and help in whatever ways you may need it.

He makes an effort to get to know your friends and family and goes ahead to introduce you to his. He also goes out of his way to care for them by helping them in whatever way they might need help or by getting them thoughtful gifts.

He makes a strong connection with your friends and family because they are important to you. And now they matter to him too.

He gives you special treatment that is distinct from that of another person in his life. He buys you gifts and flowers, remembers your birthday or any special day in your life. He is in love, and his actions speak for him.

4. He always wants to be around you


One sign a man loves you is that he always wants to spend time with you, irrespective of his schedule. The fact that he adjusts his schedule or cancels his appointment just to be with you is a clear indicator of where his heart is.

He makes up excuses for both of you to hang out regularly or just seeks occasions where both of you can be in the same space at the same time.

So he is asking you to hang out more. What you both do together on those hangouts is not as important to him as the fact that he is with you.

He loves to have conversations with you, and with time, these conversations get deeper. He uses those times when you are together to get to know you more intimately.

5. He tells the important people in his life about you.

A man who has fallen for you is not ashamed to tell his friends, family, mentors, or any other pivotal person in his life about you.

He constantly brings you up in their conversations so that his loved ones know you on a first-name basis before they meet you.

It goes a long way toward showing the value he places on your relationship and his intentions for a future with you. Also, it shows the value he places on you.

6. He is vulnerable

Men like to feel in control; they hate to show signs of weakness, especially when it has to do with their emotions. When a man falls for you, he opens up parts of his life to you that he wouldn’t tell his closest friends.

He trusts you with the details of his struggles and the things he is working on in his life, trusting that you won’t judge or reject him. He shares his traumas, his fears, and his past with you.

Because he wants something deeper with you, he applies trust, honesty, and openness, which are pivotal to having great communication in a relationship.

These 6 signs he completely fallen in love with are things you can watch out for when he isn’t saying anything about his feelings.

Should you not be able to find these signs, it’s best to have open and direct conversations with your man to be able to know for sure what his feelings are.

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