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Mary John


7 Obvious Signs God Is Calling You To Do Something

When we talk about calling in religion, we refer to the strong urge to do something for God. Every Christian, at one point or another in their lives, has felt the call of God in their lives. You must have heard believers say, “God is calling me to do so and so thing”, and you ...

Joy Ayaya


15 Subtle Signs Your Marriage Will End in Divorce (The Remedy)

The key reason why God instituted marriage and brought two people together to form a lasting union is COMPANIONSHIP devoid of divorce. By companionship, we mean friendship, relationship, partnership, commitment, emotional bonding, and intimacy. Any relationship devoid of these might be a sign your marriage will end in divorce. It takes two to make a ...

Mary John


7 Clear Signs of Effective School Board Members

Every community elects between three and seven people to oversee the schools in the community and ensure community goals are achieved. These people are called school board members and have the obligation to set the vision and goals for the school district, adopt policies that will help them achieve their goals, hire superintendents to supervise ...