
Chinonso Nwajiaku

8 Timeless Secrets To Running A Successful Business

Business, business success

Running a successful business goes beyond having a great idea or a mind-blowing solution. It is pure hard work. No one ever starts a business without the goal of being successful. To achieve this, you must put some measures in place. To better understand this, we will consider the following;

What Defines A Successful Business?

Defining business success can be difficult because there is no universally accepted definition. Just as success means different things to different people, the same applies to business success. For some entrepreneurs, it could be an escape route out of poverty. For some, it is building a distinct brand in their industry; for others, it is generating enough revenue and dividends.

The determining factor of the success of a business varies by the type of business. What to look out for in determining if a business is successful in a sole proprietorship differs from a public limited company.

Pitfalls To Avoid In Running A Successful Business


Absence Or Lack Of Effective Marketing

Marketing is at the core of every business enterprise. Some entrepreneurs enter into business thinking their product or service is the ultimate solution for the market, so potential customers and clients will naturally come. Conversely, some entrepreneurs might be involved in the wrong marketing strategy. The marketing strategy a business has is a determining factor in whether the business will succeed.

Insufficient Capital

Any business without sufficient capital is bound to fail. If running a successful business is your goal, you must ensure that you have enough capital for the daily running of the business.

Poor Or Bad Customer Service

Your customer should be at the center of your business endeavor. Poor customer service drives the customers away. If you fail to treat customers well, you will leave them no option but to go to your competitors. Good customer service builds customer loyalty, trust, and referral.

Lack of Innovation

Lack of innovation is one of the key reasons why businesses fail. Being able to innovate implies the business has enough flexibility to change its business model or line of business to remain in the market. Lack of innovation is why they kicked market leaders like Blockbuster Entertainment Inc. out of the market. Being an organization that provided video games and home rental services, they failed to innovate digital means of rendering their services.

Secrets To Running A Successful Business


Running a successful business requires employing some key factors that define a successful business. It would help if you were adaptable and well-organized to make it in business nowadays.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that although 20% of startups fail during their first two years in operation, 45% survive through year 5, and 65% make it through year 10. Only about a quarter make it to their 15th birthday. You have a better chance of being successful in your endeavor if you use the following eight guidelines.

1. Analyze your competition

Every business has a competition or competition. You will be doing yourself a disservice to assume that you are the only option in the market for your customer.

A proper analysis of your competition as a business is a key determinant for running a successful business. The principle of analyzing your competition is coming up with an offer better than what is obtainable. To offer a better option, you must study your competitor’s product, service, sales, strengths, and weaknesses. This way, you can enhance your business strategy and gain an edge over them.

A good way to begin this analysis is to:

  • Identify your competitors
  • Gather information about your competitors
  • Analyze your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses
  • Determine your competitive advantage

It is important to note that competitor analysis is to be done regularly to stay ahead.

2. Good and Effective Marketing Strategy

Your marketing strategy as a business is one tip for running a successful business. A good product or service is not enough. Your marketing strategy is the vehicle through which your products get to your ideal target audience.

Your strategy needs to be effective. A marketing strategy is considered effective when it can increase the business’s revenue while decreasing customer acquisition.

To achieve an effective marketing strategy:

  • You must determine your marketing objectives.
  • Your marketing strategy.
  • The cost of your marketing campaign when compared with the cost of your product and service.
  • Your market segment.

Today’s marketing exercise is mostly digital. Determine which is the best for your product or the best channel to reach your customer and achieve customer satisfaction. A good and effective marketing strategy ensures you are not running out of business.

3. Ask, Accept, and Value Feedback

To build a successful business, you must regularly ask for customer feedback. That could come in the form of reviews or testimonials. Appreciate the feedback knowing they must not always be pleasant.

However, what you do with the feedbacks matter. The value you place on customer feedback will propel you to effect the necessary change in your product or upgrade your service.

 You can’t run a successful business if you don’t constantly work on improving your product using customer reviews. Customer feedback is a better way to identify customer needs to tailor your product to meet their needs.

Failure to implement their feedback will have them seeking another firm to meet their needs. You may use word of mouth or surveys to get feedback.

4. Gear towards Better Customer Experience

Customer satisfaction is at the core of every successful business. One key tip in running a successful business is ensuring your customers are satisfied with your product, service, and entire interaction with your company. They are essentially the voice of your business; they are the ones who have interacted with your business. Hence your new customers will probably listen to them.

Your goal should be to maximize their experience with your company towards a satisfying one and eventually turn them into loyalists who would spread the word about your product or service. That becomes a free marketing strategy for your business’s success.

Feedbacks form the basis for creating the unique experience your customers desire. You may assume that you are entirely creating the perfect atmosphere or user experience. Still, until you ask, you may live in an illusion that will negatively affect your business success.

Online surveys are rampant and would provide you with more honest reviews than face-to-face feedback. There are many online surveys to do the job for you, like Customer Effort Score (CES), Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), Net Promoter Score (NPS), and Customer Feedback Survey.

5. Keep Detailed Records


Keeping detailed records as a business helps you measure your business’s growth duly. Business records can be kept manually, digitally, or in an online repository. There will be nothing to track if you don’t keep records. Bad business records make you prone to failure and expose your business to many hazards.

Business records are not limited to only financial records. Human resource, tax, and Administrative records are some of the records that need to be kept by businesses.

Keeping detailed records helps you separate your expenses from your income, it helps you to avoid missing out on deductible expenses, and it helps to build on records.

To use your records to achieve successful running of your business, it must meet the following criteria:

  • Capture the needed information.
  • The record must be complete and correct.
  • Consolidates on past records.
  • Safe and secured.
  • Easily accessible.

6. Build Online Platforms And Visibility

With the internet, the world has turned into a global village. One strategic way to run your business successfully is to take your business where the people are. Your online visibility is your business’s presence on the net and social media platforms. What you put out there represents your business in people’s eyes.

Building your visibility helps your business connect with your potential customers and clients. Data reportal has it that 58.4% of the global population use social media.

However, to effectively maximize this crowd to your business advantage, you need to have an effective strategy. Consistency is key here.

  • Know the right channels to use to spread the word.
  • Claim your google my business listing
  • Have a functional website

7. Hire The Right Team


Having the right team is key to running a successful business. You can’t make progress beyond the team you are working with. No matter how fantastic your idea is, you can’t accomplish it alone. You need the right people to join you in achieving your goals.

Hiring the right team entails employing people who understand your business goals and key objectives.

The right team is a combination of the best skills and values.

8. Flexibility and Innovation

You can’t achieve innovation without some level of dynamism. A business must be flexible enough to innovate new methods and strategies to be successful. The market is constantly changing. To stay afloat, you must be flexible enough to let go of old means and embrace new trends. Adopt leadership skills, be proactive and play the initiative.

Last Words


Good, scalable products or services are hallmarks of successful companies. You must be ready to adapt to changes and variations in demand to consistently satisfy your customers. It takes time, energy, and dedication to run a successful business. Put into practice the knowledge you have gained here. Instead of worrying about the actions taken by your rivals, concentrate on growing your own company to its full potential.

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