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25 Different Types of Red Coloured Foods


Looking for a way to add some vivid color to your dishes? Or do you wish to brighten the color contrasts in your fruit bowl?

Plant-based diets and meat-based foods include different pigments, which have varying effects on human health. 

These are some of the best red coloured foods. Please read on.

25 Red Coloured Foods

1. Loganberries

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Loganberries taste like a cross between a raspberry and a blackberry. They’re not as sweet as either, so if you serve them raw, add plenty of sugar or sweetened cream.

They create great jellies, jams, and pie fillings that go well with sweet meats like game or duck.

2. Strawberries

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Strawberries are possibly the world’s most popular berry. There are over ten types, each with its own particular flavor and texture. 

Although they come in a variety of sizes, they always have the same heart-shaped, ruby-red flesh and coat, covered with tiny golden seeds.

Use in a variety of ways to make summery pavlovas, cheesecakes, biscuits, ice creams, and smoothies. Strawberries suggest languid summer days more than anything else.

3. Red Bell Pepper

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Bright red bell peppers not only give color to salads, but they can also be utilized in a variety of ways, including raw and crunchy salads, blitzed to add sweetness to smoothies, and as pizza toppings.

They can be grilled, roasted, baked, or stir-fried and used in almost every cuisine worldwide.

4. Cherries

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What is more reminiscent of summer days than a bowl brimming with cherries?

Although there are endless possibilities for using them to produce delicious desserts, jellies and sundaes, their sharpness makes them an excellent complement to hog and duck recipes.

5. Tomatoes

Okay, everyone is familiar with tomatoes and their various uses. It’s probably easier to enumerate what you can’t accomplish with them.

But did you realize there are 15,000 different types worldwide? Or that their name is derived from an Aztec term meaning ‘plump thing with a navel’. 

Or that their French name, ‘pommes d’amour’, literally translates as ‘love apples’ due to their alleged aphrodisiac powers.

6. Cranberries

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Cranberry is a native wetland plant that prefers cool temperatures and is grown largely in Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Oregon and New Jersey. 

Cranberries are closely related to blueberries, but they are rarely eaten uncooked because of their natural sourness.

During Thanksgiving, Americans eat 80 million pounds of cranberries, including 5,062,500 gallons of jelly cranberry—enough to fill roughly eight Olympic-sized swimming pools. 

Cranberry sauce is a popular Thanksgiving dish in the United States and Canada. When dried, they have a lovely tart/sweet flavor, making them an excellent addition to granola and trail mix.

7. Pomegranates

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The fruit’s exquisite jeweled seeds (called as ‘arils’) are hidden beneath the thick, deep orange or crimson peel. 

They are a staple element in Middle Eastern and Persian cuisine and go well with salads and rice.

They’ve gained global recognition as a superfood in recent decades due to their low-calorie count, high antioxidant content, and potential health advantages.

8. Raspberries

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Raspberries are connected to blackberries and roses. Another delicate summer fruit with a vivid hue, they are appreciated for their sweet but sharp flavor. 

They are wonderful when served alone with fresh cream, thick yogurt, or ice cream.

They also make excellent jellies and sauces. Although raspberries are a summer fruit, they freeze well and can be enjoyed throughout the year.

9. Watermelon

What could be more pleasant than a cool piece of watermelon on a hot summer day? The vivid crimson flesh, hidden beneath the beautiful green exterior, is usually studded with shiny black seeds.

It goes well with practically any salad and adds a nice color contrast to green or white items (like feta cheese). 

And, of course, it’s the ideal smoothie ingredient: sweet, low in calories, and high in health-promoting elements.

10. Raw beef

Not all countries have a tradition of consuming raw beef. For ages, some sections of the world have prepared and consumed it without cooking.

Perhaps the best-known example comes from France, where steak tartare is a popular choice, sometimes served with a raw egg on top.

Koi soi is a Thai dish made with minced raw beef marinated in fish sauce, chiles and lime juice. In Ethiopia, traditional kitfo (or ketfo) combines raw minced beef, local chili powder, and spicy clarified butter.

11. Blood oranges

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Blood oranges appear to be conventional oranges from the exterior, but their delicious, succulent flesh is a rich, deep crimson on the inside.

Blood oranges are often sweeter and lower in acidity than other oranges. Nonetheless, they can be used in the same ways: to flavor cakes, ice creams and smoothies, as well as to enhance chicken and duck recipes. Of course, they will brighten up any salad!

12. Goji Berries

Goji berries are primarily imported from northwest China, while the plants can be found across Asia and South Africa. Fresh pinky-red goji berries are mildly sweet but might be harsh.

They get sweeter when dried but retain their biting taste; they make excellent, nutrient-dense additions to granolas and trail mixes. Martha Stewart suggests rehydrating the dried berries overnight and using them to ‘elevate avocado over toast’.

13. Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus tea is a herbal tea recognized for its beautiful color, which ranges from pink to deep ruby red. 

The flavor is sweet, fruity and slightly harsh. This gorgeous beverage is a great, healthy alternative to caffeine and sugary drinks.

14. Kidney beans

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Kidney beans seem deep oxblood red on the outside but are pink or white on the interior. 

However, their skin retains their color when cooked, making them an easy choice for adding dark crimson to rice dishes or salads.

The negative is that dry beans must be soaked overnight before cooking. To remove the poisons, boil them (not heat or simmer) for at least twenty minutes before consuming. And never cook with the water you soaked them in because it contains the same poison you’re attempting to eliminate. 

Nonetheless, they are a nutritious staple that people all over the world like, so don’t be put off by all of the preparation.

15. Lobster

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Lobsters on the seafloor are often bluey-greeny-brownish in color, which provides great camouflage. However, when heated, their shells turn red, though the reason for this is debated.

While whole lobsters or claws might add color to a meal, the cooked meat within should always be white.

16. Muntingia

This tree, sometimes known as the Jamaican Cherry, produces small, sweet fruits that resemble cherries. It is native to the Caribbean, Mexico, and South America.

Because they are not widely available in stores, the best option is to purchase seeds or a small shrub from a specialized grower and grow your own! You’ll be able to surprise and please friends and family with this unique yet delicious variation to the more well-known types.

17. Radishes

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With their beautiful red skins and brilliant white interiors, these peppery beauties give a pop of color to many green salads, cheese platters and sandwiches.

Did you know that when roasted, they have a sweet, caramelized flavor and a meltingly soft texture? Alternatively, try pan-frying them with shallots, garlic, butter and herbs for a tasty but unusual side dish.

18. Red currants

Red currants are a common ingredient in Northern and Central European cuisine. They taste like a cross between raspberries and rhubarb and are too sour to eat uncooked. But paired with hot vanilla custard, it’s wonderful!

They also go well with cheese dishes and lend a sharp edge to salads. Like most red fruits, they are low in calories and high in antioxidants.

19. Red Apples

There are numerous red-skinned apple cultivars to pick from, depending on the exact tint you’re seeking. Sweet Tangos are excellent all-purpose apples, as are Gala, Envy and deep crimson Red Delicious.

20. Red Quinoa

Red quinoa is high in protein and fiber, and it is gluten-free. Although it is not a true grain, it can be cooked and consumed in the same manner as grains like barley. The soft, chewy texture provides interest to a wide variety of recipes.

21. Red rice

Red rice has a brownish-red bran layer. It is grown and used across Asia, but it loses some of its color when cooked, so it is not the ideal choice for adding a dash of vibrant red to your cuisine.

On the bright side, it is nuttier and chewier than polished rice, adding a unique texture to your food.

22. Beetroots

Juicy, ruby red beetroots are adaptable and can be cooked in a variety of ways. They taste great when eaten fresh or mixed into salads and sandwiches.

However, they can also be roasted, sautéed, or blended to make delicious pink hummus.

23. Carmine

Carmine, often known as cochineal, is not a true food. Instead, it’s a vibrant red food coloring that’s commonly used as an ingredient and may be found in a variety of items.

Unfortunately, many people are unaware that it is still prepared from ground-up insect shells, which are not specified on labels, making it unsuitable for vegetarians and vegans.

24. Caribbean Red Papaya

When the flesh of the Caribbean Red Papaya becomes yellow and is slightly mushy to the touch, it’s ready for consumption.

When you rip it open, you’ll be delighted with the aromatic, scarlet flesh that contrasts brilliantly with the glossy black seeds nestled inside. A magnificent feast for the eyes and the taste buds!

25. Jujube

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These round, crimson fruits, sometimes known as red dates, Chinese dates  or Chinese jujubes, may now be found throughout the United States and Asia. These little fruits are sweet and slightly chewy and can be eaten fresh or dried.

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