
Are you looking for sweet and touching love letters to make her cry? This article will be your guide to crafting a heartfelt letter that will make her cry.

Writing a love letter to your loved one can help you express your feelings and convey your emotions to her in a way that will bring a smile to her face and warm her heart.

Some men have feelings and are good at expressing themselves with words, but most men are not. Others feel nervous about talking about their feelings face-to-face with a girl they have an interest in so they opt for writing.

This is where writing a love letter comes in.

Love letters have been one of the oldest and most beautiful ways to express one’s love in a relationship. By putting your thoughts and feelings into writing in a sweet way, you may bring tears to the eyes of your lover.

A letter gives you the time to process it in a way that would bring tears to her eyes and review your words before sending them.

A handwritten letter is incredibly romantic. This was how lovers in the past communicated with one another, but it’s seldom done today.

Instead, we have other means of sending these messages through emails, texts or chats on social media platforms. Still, I believe that a handwritten or written letter is more romantic because she gets to keep it as a reminder of your love.

Romantic Love Letters to Make Her Cry

kaboompics, Pixabay

Whether you are writing a letter to your wife, your girlfriend or some girl you want to date in the future, writing from your heart shows your sincerity.

Though it’s not an easy task, you can follow the format below as examples to guide you.

Also, add a touch of yourself, spell out your words with emotion and craft beautiful love letters to make her cry.

1. When you are proud of her

I Love you. I am proud to love you and call you my soulmate. You’re the only one for me. You’ve made me dream beyond what I imagined and you’ve been with me every step of the way to achieving those dreams.

My heart is so full of love when I’m with you, but when I am away from you, my heart aches because I miss you so much. My biggest dream is that we will always be together. We were meant to be together forever.

2. To your babe and bestie

My love, you will always be my best friend. I cherish every moment I get to spend with you because you are far away. Babe, I couldn’t live without you.

I need you closer to me, waking up beside you and seeing your face smiling at me. I want to watch you sleep peacefully after the beautiful time we spent together.

I look forward to laughing with you talking to you, shopping with you and cooking with you. I love taking walks with you and I always want to be where you are. I will love you always.

3. To your best wing woman

You are the best thing that has happened to me. I have thought about it carefully and deeply and have come to that conclusion myself.

I was so happy when I finally bought a house that I thought it was the best achievement in my life but your entrance into my life made me understand that I have only tasted what I thought was best, but now I have experienced the real best and that is you.

4. To your amazing wife

My love, the mother of my children, life with you is one I will do over and over again. You’ve brought peace and stability into my life. You are no mason but with your firm hands, you’ve built a place for us—a place we can call home.

You are no seer, but you’ve made me envision a better life and we’re living it. You’ve given me children—children we can call our own. Thank you so much, babe. I love you.

5. When you long to make her yours

I watched you for a long time from afar, and I must say that you are everything I’ve ever dreamed of. I love your smile when you get your favorite ice cream flavor, and I love the way your eyes crinkle when you smile.

I love your black and your white and I hope you will give me a chance to show you that I really care and want to be with you.

6. When you want to renew your love

I still remember our first date, from the first time I laid eyes on you. I knew it was love at first sight; funnily, I never believed in love at first sight before I met you, yet this is me falling in love with you afresh every day.

Here is a reminder that I still love you after all these years, and nothing can ever change that.

Romantic Love Letters to Make Her Cry

7. To your wife-to-be

Bru-nO, Pixabay

I cannot believe that I will soon be married to you. I am more excited than you are, my love and I can’t wait to call you my wife. So here’s a heartfelt love letter to my wife-to-be to say that I cannot wait to share my life with you. I can’t wait to be with you forever.

8. When she’s your true love

My love, I wish I were a poet; then I would have crafted the most beautiful words in history to convey my feelings. But since I’m just your boyfriend, let me say these simple words you hear every day but are new every day.

I love you, I cherish you and I’m always glad you’re in my life. These simple words are my heart bared to you and I will love you forever.

9. When she’s your right hand man

You’re as brilliant as you are beautiful. I can’t believe you have held me this far. Thank you. Thank you for loving me even when I may not be deserving.

Thank you for standing by me when I feel faint. Thank you for being the best girl in the world. Thank you for sharing my moments of joy and pain. Here’s to more beautiful moments and memories to be created with you by my side.

10. When a wife or girlfriend is absent

I wish I could tell you how much the moments we spent together meant to me. I wish I could articulate what your absence has made of me. But I can’t. Yet this I can say. I’ve always loved you. I’m so sad and broken that we never made it this far but I have always wished for you to be happy. I will love you forever.

11. To reaffirm your loyalty

Before I met you, I was so confident I had things under control, but you made me lose control and held the wheel with me. I will be forever loyal to you, my love.

12. When you seek reassurance from her

I know you love me. You’ve said it so many times. I love you too; I’ve said it so many times. We are all we have—me and you, flaws, strengths and all. So promise me you’ll always be there for me through thick and thin, because I’ll always do the same for you. I want to know if you will stick around, for I would hold you down despite your shortcomings.

13. To apologize

Let me fix all your broken pieces and make you forget all the pain I’ve ever caused you. I promise I will make up for my missteps and shortcomings.

I promise to hold you down from now on and love you forever.

14. When you want her to fall for you

I didn’t know anyone could take my breath away, such as you. Never in my life have I felt more alive and strong for anything. I’ve loved you from afar for a long time and I wish to come a little bit closer to you. I long for your acceptance and I promise to dedicate my life and heart to you.

15. To evoke her trust in you

If I were told to choose my best moment with you, I would say it’s every moment. I never knew I could be so hooked on something and never want to let go. That’s because I love you and will always do.


Writing love letters is a skill every man should endeavor to learn in his lifetime, especially if you’re deeply in love with someone.

A man should write romantic love letters regularly to his wife, girlfriend or future love to thank her for the good she brings to his life, to reassure her of your love and promise to stand by her, to apologize for a shortcoming or for any special events in her life.

Though you may find this difficult if you are not a worded person, just think of how much she has impacted your life and how much you love her, then start putting words together.

These formats would guide you but try to keep them authentic and true rather than copying verbatim from the above messages.

We trust that she’ll find your messages heartwarming and sweet and she’ll cry while reading them.

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