
Joseph Kalu

Carnophobia: Causes and Treatments


Have you ever heard of the word carnophobia? CarnophobiaCarnophobia is derived from the Latin word “carno,” which means “meat,” and the Greek word “phobia,” which means “fear or aversion.”

Carnophobia is described as an illogical and excessive fear of meat or an extreme dislike for it. Carnophobia is a distinct phobia, and those who suffer from it are referred to as carnophobics. Some people may get panic attacks when they think about carnophobia. When such people are triggered, they experience a variety of symptoms that vary according to the severity of the disease.

These symptoms may force the individual to avoid meat at all costs, which has a negative impact on them. Fortunately, the problem can be treated.

Causes of Carnophobia

Carnophobia, like most phobias, lacks an exact aetiology; however, experts believe that the following circumstances may lead to the development of this condition:

1. Traumatic Incidents

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These can include unpleasant incidents from the past that have caused trauma in a person.

The following are examples of unpleasant events:

  • A horrific butcher shop or slaughterhouse encounter
  • A mishap occurred while preparing meat. This could be a laceration or a burn.
  • A major health issue following meat eating
  • An emotional response to pictures, campaigns, or advertising supporting or opposing meat and its products.

2. Genetics

Fearful genes, according to experts, are inheritable in the same way that qualities are. Parents who have phobias are more prone to pass them on to their children or their children’s children.

When you are raised by a caregiver who has phobias, especially carnophobia, you are more likely to have this fear as well.

3. Environment

Our surroundings have always had a significant impact on our lives. As a result, where we are raised has a significant impact on us. If a person is reared in an atmosphere where many people suffer from the disorder, including carnophobia, they may get it as well.

Furthermore, if you grow up in an environment where people close to you have unpleasant experiences and ideas about meat, you may develop this phobia later in life.

4. Other present illnesses

Certain medical issues and your age can cause you to avoid eating meat. Your doctor may also suggest alternatives to eating meat.

Furthermore, some patients believe that consuming meat is to blame for their ailments. This can cause them or those close to them to develop this phobia.

5. Personal convictions

Personal beliefs have an impact on our personalities. A person is more likely to develop carnophobia if they believe the following:

  • That slaughtering animals for meat is inhumane
  • According to their religious views, eating or killing is a sin.
  • Meat consumption is the root cause of many ailments
  • Animals should be treated with respect since they have rights.

5. They are committed vegetarians

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Carnophobia prevents people from eating meat-like products such as chicken, steak, sausage, hot dogs, ham, and turkey.

Carnophobia Symptoms

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These are symptoms that appear when someone has a phobia, and they are caused by exposure to the object of their dread. These symptoms are shared by many phobias.

Nonetheless, the degree of these symptoms differs from person to person. Carnophobic individuals may feel the following symptoms when they see, hear, or think about meat.

  • Physical Symptoms
  • Excess sweating
  • Trembling
  • Hot flushes
  • Shortness of breath
  • Choking sensation
  • Increased heart rate
  • Sharp chest pain
  • A feeling of butterflies in the stomach
  • Nauseous feeling
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling faint
  • Numbness
  • Dry mouth
  • Frequent need to go to the toilet
  • Ringing or buzzing sounds in the ears
  • Confusion or disorientation
  • Hyperventilation
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Psychological Symptoms
  • Fear of losing control
  • Fear of fainting
  • Feelings of dread
  • Fear of dying
  • Fear of harm or illness
  • The feelings of guilt, shame, and self-blame
  • Withdrawing from others
  • Feeling sad or hopeless
  • Feeling disconnected
  • Confusion and difficulty concentrating
  • Anger, irritability, mood swings
  • Anxiety and fear

If the notion of eating meat produces at least three of the symptoms listed above, you may have carnophobia. Regardless, some people suffer from complicated phobias.

When someone has two or more phobias, they have a complex phobia. When such people are activated, they may experience a series of these symptoms.

Carnophobia Treatment

Carnophobia is treated in a variety of ways. Carnophobic people naturally try to protect themselves by avoiding meat. They may believe they do not require treatment and that they may avoid being triggered by eating meat. Severe cases of carnophobia, on the other hand, may impair the sufferer’s ability to complete prescribed tasks as well as carry on with their typical daily activities.

Phobias, in general, can hinder a person’s life, including their relationship with their environment, loved ones, and others. As a result, the patient must be treated as quickly as feasible. Unfortunately, there are no recognized treatments to cure the phobia.

The following treatments, however, may be used to assist patients in overcoming their anxieties.

1. Therapy

You can get help from a therapist to get over your worries. This is because therapists are qualified professionals who have the required skills to assist you in overcoming your phobias.

Your therapist may employ the following methods:

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the most commonly used method for treating phobias and other mental health issues. While using CBT, your therapist will assist you in identifying all of the problematic thinking patterns that cause you to fear meat and then assist you in changing them to positive ones.

Exposure Therapy

Exposure therapy is a strategy in which your therapist gradually exposes you to your object of fear in a safe setting. This will make you feel less threatened with each exposure until you feel no fear, even when you come into contact with your phobia.

This should only be done by professionals, as incorrect application may aggravate the illness.


The subconscious mind is rebuilt by hypnotherapy. Certain beliefs, memories, and thoughts may be locked in your subconscious mind, and this may be the source of your dread.

Your therapist will use hypnotherapy to access your subconscious mind and change those negative ideas, memories, and beliefs into positive ones.

2. Use of drugs

Medicines, while not a treatment for phobias, are used to assist in reducing anxiety and other phobia symptoms.

These medications include:

Medications for anxiety: This is used to alleviate anxiety. Valium is a good example of an anti-anxiety medication.

Antidepressant medications: These are prescribed to reduce anxiety. Lexapro is a well-known antidepressant.

These medications are likely to cause several negative effects, and long-term usage may lead to addiction and dependency.

As a result, you should never use these medications without a doctor’s prescription.

Self Help – What Can You Do to Help Yourself?

1. Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a powerful coping strategy for dealing with stressors such as phobias. All self-help begins with mental control. Sit in a comfortable position and focus on your body, thoughts, and sensations.

If you find yourself drifting off into the past or future, gently bring your attention back to the present. Thinking about where you are, how you feel, and what is going on around you will gradually become a habit.

2. Diet

Because carnophobia is a food-related disorder, attempt to keep track of how your diet impacts your phobia.

Tests should be performed to check that you are not allergic or intolerant to certain foods. Caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods should also be avoided because they increase anxiety levels.

3. Exercise

Regular exercise and mobility can help relieve tension in the body. Physical activity has been shown to reduce anxiety, so it may help you overcome this phobia.

Sleep Ensure that you receive enough sleep. When you are sleep-deprived and fatigued, many phobia symptoms worsen.

4. Support Groups

There are online and offline support groups that might help you conquer your phobia. Joining a support group allows you to connect with people who are experiencing or have experienced your sort of phobia.

Support groups provide the comforting sensation that you are not alone, as well as assistance in overcoming your concerns.

Is treatment necessary?

A variety of clinical treatments can be used to treat any genuine or perceived fear that is persistent and unreasonable.

Among these are the live exposure technique, cognitive restructuring, systematic desensitization, and relaxation measures.

All of them try to minimize anxiety-related experiences connected with the stimulus that creates them, which means that the person establishes a good relationship with the stimulus.


Carnophobia is a phobia defined by a strong and illogical dread of meat. It can cause significant distress and impairment in a person’s life, affecting food, social relationships, and overall well-being.

While the precise causes of carnophobia can be complex and multifaceted, effective therapies, such as exposure therapy and cognitive-behavioural therapy, are available to help people overcome this fear.

Carnophobia must be approached with understanding and respect as society becomes more aware of various phobias and mental health difficulties.

Support and access to treatment can make a significant difference in the lives of people dealing with this difficult condition.

If you believe you are experiencing some of the symptoms of this disease, you may benefit from counseling.

Feel free to contact your doctor or a local mental health facility to learn about your alternatives and whether there is a discount or promo code available to aid you with treatment costs, as well as whether your health insurance will cover treatment costs.



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