
Desire Uways

How To Know If You’re a Victim of Witchcraft – 9 Sure Signs

How to Know, Negativity

Do you believe in witchcraft? Your answer may be yes if: you are African or live in an African country; you are black; you believe in spirits and the supernatural; or you know someone who has been a victim of a witchcraft attack. Your answer may be no if you do not believe in anything you cannot see.

Witchcraft is practiced by people who are believed to be possessed by an evil spirit. They are called witches and are believed to have the capacity to wreak havoc on the lives of people they hate or are jealous of. So many people are constantly afraid that a neighbor, friend, colleague, enemy, or family member might attack them with witchcraft because they are jealous of their success or want them to fail.

If you want to know if you’re a victim of witchcraft or ask for the signs to identify witchcraft, this article is for you. I hope it answers your questions.

How To Know If You Are A Victim Of Witchcraft

1: If You Have Repeated Bad Luck

You celebrated getting a new job a few weeks ago, and a few days later you were sacked with no reason for the dismissal. You write one exam for four years without passing it. You’ve started a new business three times now, all of which failed in the fourth month or after your first big sale.

Your certificates get mysteriously burned or your shop catches fire every year, and you lose goods worth thousands or millions. You experience a series of disasters and failures every day, or nothing good ever happens to you.

If you experience any of the above-listed things or something similar, know you’re a victim of witchcraft. This is usually very true if the negative occurrence keeps a timeline and never misses. like experiencing an accident or something very negative on a particular date or week in a month.

2: If You Have Trouble Paying Attention

This might show up at home, at your place of work, in religious centers, while performing a task, when giving a presentation, or in a meeting. You can tell you’re a victim of witchcraft when you feel like your mind is in different places all at once.

You may become easily disoriented, distracted, or confused. You might mix up details, be clumsy, be unable to focus on your task, or be disorganized. Your colleague or family member might have to poke you to bring you back to reality.

You need to take note of this sign, especially if you are an organized person and do not have any underlying problems bothering you.

3: If You Are Experiencing Sudden Forgetfulness

This is a bit similar to the previous sign, but not the same. Watch out for periods when you suddenly forget why you stepped out of the house, your appointments, or what your Holy Book says about certain matters.

You might even forget your children, your food on the fire, or that you are walking on a busy road. Some people might even experience temporary cases of madness. If you have this forgetfulness that you cannot explain and is not a result of an ailment or worry, it is a sign you’re a victim of witchcraft.

4: If You Feel Emotionally Drained

When you’re a victim of witchcraft, you will feel emotionally drained. Your countenance will be cloudy, and you will feel dark inside. Nothing around you will make sense anymore or give you joy, and you carry a moody face for days and days without end.

Your job becomes a chore, you feel weak from morning till night, and you might not even want anyone around you. You struggle to get up in the morning, go through the day sluggishly, and cannot give a good excuse when asked what the matter is.

This might even translate into physical symptoms like headaches or sickness. While some of these symptoms may result from depression or stress, certain kinds of depression might even result from witchcraft attacks.

5: If You Are Encased by Fear

You, who was once a brave and daring person, are now paralyzed by fear, which is a sure sign you’re a victim of witchcraft. You become afraid to sleep at night, go to work, or do some task. After championing a project, you abandon it halfway because of a sudden fear that grips you, and everyone begins to wonder what is going wrong. You might even feel pessimistic about things you were optimistic about.

When you begin to see strange images and experience trances that bring fear into your mind and you lose sleep over them, watch out. Witchcraft is at work somewhere around you.

6: When You Begin to Rebel against Your Religious Beliefs or Religious Leader

This one is visible among religious people. You begin to question everything your religious leader says; you resent them, rebel against their authority, and instigate others to do the same. Sometimes you don’t even realize what you’ve done until after a few moments, and you begin to wonder what is wrong.

You might even go as far as to denounce the God you believed in, question His existence, quit your devotions, and attack those who don’t feel the same way. If this goes on for a while and you have no explanation for it, know that you’re a victim of witchcraft.

7: If You Are Feeling Discouraged or Depressed

Life is hard, and sometimes you might feel discouraged from time to time, maybe from your colleagues at work, neighbors, family members, or religious associates. You understand this and still manage to keep moving on and winning, but when there is a witchcraft attack, you will just want to give up. You may quit serving your God, quit your job, drop out of school, lie in bed, and get ready for the worst.

You might constantly be sad and depressed, seeing no light at the end of the tunnel, no way of escape or reprieve from difficulties. You might hear whispers in the ears of your mind, telling you of your worthlessness, helplessness, and hopelessness. Sometimes it might be whispers of accusation and an encouragement to end it all. This is another clear sign you’re a victim of witchcraft.

8: If You Have Sicknesses That Cannot Be Traced or Diagnosed

Have you gone from hospital to hospital, spent all your savings in diagnostic centers, yet no one can trace your sickness, or taken hundreds of drugs from different diagnoses, yet none of them cures your sickness? Did you have dreams where someone blew an ailment into your body and swore you would not get well? Some healthcare providers might label you an attention-seeker, while others might kindly suggest you are under a spell and ask you to go for prayers and deliverance.

Having untraceable illnesses could be one of the sure signs you’re a victim of witchcraft.

9: If You Find Weird Items in Your Compound or On Your Body

For some people, this sign would be the first to suggest you’re a victim of witchcraft, because why would you find lighted red candles on your doorstep in the morning or a red cloth on a tree in your apartment?

Why is there a strange chicken in your chicken coop?  Why do you have marks on your arm like someone dragged a broken clay pot through it as you slept, or why is there a bald spot on your head that was full of hair?

The purpose of this article is not to frighten you or make you feel hopeless. It is to forewarn you so you can arm yourself and fight back through prayer. People say, To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Jesus is the antidote to witchcraft activities. Once you notice their activities around you, bind their operations and maneuvers in the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus is above the powers of witchcraft, according to Philippians 2:5–12 (The Holy Bible, KJV). Trust in him and use his name to your advantage.

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