
Olajumoke Oyaleke

What Does it Mean When a Guy Stares at You? 14 Sure Reasons

Dating Tips For Women, friendship, Love and Relationship, Relationship, Relationship Signs

When a guy stares at you, in your thought, you definitely gonna ask this what does it mean when a guy stares at you?

His stare is trying to pass a message across to you, but how can you figure out what does it mean when a guy stares at you? A lot of times, it can be hard to figure out what it means when a guy stares at you.

Trying to get into the mind of a person staring at you to discover why he is staring at you is not always easy, especially when the guy does not comment when staring at you.

You are therefore left in a state of confusion, trying to figure out the untold stories or the hidden truth behind that long gaze penetrating your soul.

That is why one needs to know what it means when a guy stares at you.

You may even find yourself asking questions that you certainly do not have definite answers to.

A guy’s stare can leave you uncertain about how to react or what you should say when you find a guy staring at you.

Maybe he is staring at you because there is something about you that he does not like, but you think he is staring at you because he likes you or finds you attractive.

It is important to know what does it mean when a guy stares at you.

There are other varied reasons why a guy will certainly stare at you.

The general assumption that girls have when they find a guy staring at them is that the guy likes them.

Then you find them blushing or making comments like, ‘Oh, that guy cannot stop looking at me; I think he likes me… to their friends.

Who told you that being stared at by a guy automatically translates to being liked? What does it mean when a guy stares at you? Let’s find answers to this question and expose it right now

What Does it  Mean When a Guy Stares at You

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1. He likes something about you

If you find a guy staring at you and you are wondering why he is doing that, it might be because he likes something about you. It might be your physical features that he finds attractive, or maybe your outfits.

A guy will stare at you because he likes what he is seeing and cannot help staring at you. He may even do it so intently that he will allow you to catch him staring at you.

If a guy stares at you and smiles, it means that there is something about you that he likes or finds beautiful. and smile at you at the same time.

If he is confident and vocal, he will compliment you on whatever he finds attractive about you. When he makes such a compliment, it is only appropriate that you accompany it with a “thank you”.

Such a comment helps ascertain his intent in staring at you. One way to discover the exact thing a guy likes about you is to fix his gaze in the direction of the exact thing that he likes about you.

2. He is trying to flirt with you

What it means when a guy stares at you might be that he is trying to flirt with you.

If a guy makes prolonged eye contact with you, smiles, and gives you a wink, it means that he is being flirtatious.

He might look away if he finds that you catch him giving you such a prolonged flirty look.

His body language is another thing that can easily give him away and help you discover if he is truly flirting with you.

3. You look like someone he knows

One other possible meaning to give to a guy staring at you is that you look like someone he knows. We have all at one point or the other found and met people who have the same resemblance with other people we know.

This could be the same situation for a guy who is staring at you.  If you look like someone he knows he might stare at you briefly and just smile.

He is wondering why you have a striking resemblance with that person. It is not a big deal if this happens.

3. He is telling his friends about you

You find a guy staring at you and talking in the company of his friends?

There is a possibility that he is telling his friends about you, this is what it means when a guy stares at you.

You can easily figure this out if the guy keeps casting frequent glances in your direction while talking and maybe his friends might also try to cast a glance at you to know what the girl their friend is talking about looks like.

The only thing which may seem difficult is figuring out what he is telling his friends about you because this does not necessarily mean that he likes you.

4. He wants to get your attention

He stares at you because he wants to get your attention.

A guy who fixes his gaze at you while is about to say something to you, draws closer to you, and accompanies his words with body gestures is trying to get you to be attentive.

5. He is curious about you

If a guy stares at you it means he is trying to find answers to certain things he would like to find out about you and maybe just get to know you more.

This could mean that something is intriguing about you he wants to know. It might be that he is trying to find out where you’re from because you look a certain way or maybe the way you talk or even maybe you made a comment and he is trying to figure out your reason for making such a comment.

If this is the case, he may walk up to you and ask questions, If you are comfortable answering those questions you should certainly answer however if it is something you are unwilling to talk about you should politely tell him so by saying things like ‘sorry, I don’t think I want to talk about that”.

So, when a guy stares at you it can be interpreted as curiosity.

6. He is lost in his thoughts

A guy might be staring at you not because he is thinking about anything about you but because he is absorbed in his thoughts and does not even realize that he is staring.

You can easily figure out If a guy is lost in his thoughts while staring at you because he would not make any reaction when you look at him or try to stare back at him this is because he does not even see you staring back at him.

If this happens you can be sure that he is either worried about something or has things preoccupied in his mind which is unrelated to you. He is just staring at you absentmindedly.

7. He is paying attention to you

If you are having a conversation with a guy and what he does is maintain consistent eye contact with you, he is doing that because he is paying attention to what you are saying to listen to you.

Staring at someone during a conversation shows that they are very attentive to you.

Maintaining eye contact with someone during a discussion is a way to know if someone is attentive. During such a discussion, he might make signs such as nodding or shaking his head to show his approval or displeasure over what you are saying.

Staring at you can be a guy’s way of telling you that “ I am all ears or I am interested in that conversation you are having with me”

8. He detects something about you

It is safe to say that not all stares mean that a guy likes something about you or finds you attractive.

If a guy stares at you without smiling or giving you a cold and very unwelcoming facial expression there is something about you he does not fancy.

It might be that he finds the way you combine your outfit odd and he is wondering why you appear that way. It might even be your hairstyle or your makeup.

Maybe he feels that it does not look good on you. If a guy scornfully stares at you, maybe you need to see what might be wrong with the way you appear.

9. You look like someone he has met before

This is something that happens to everybody at one point or the other.

You meet someone and the face looks very familiar that you think that you have met such a person before or know someone. If a guy stares at you it might be due to this reason, maybe he thinks that he has met someone before but does not immediately remember where he met you.

If he stares at you not just once he is trying to remember where he knows you. Sometimes a guy who wants to be certain will tell you “ I think I know you from somewhere” or ask

10. He is trying to read your mind

Yes, a guy might look deep into your eyes because he is trying to find out what is going on in your mind. Our eyes can easily reveal to people how we feel or what we are going through without having to say a word.

For example, people can look into your eyes and know when you are happy, sad, or worried about something. What it means when a guy stares at you like this it means that he is trying to read your mind.

11. He is bold and confident

Sometimes when a guy stares it can be an indication that he is bold and confident. A confident person can maintain eye contact with others even when others cast their gaze back at them.

When a confident guy casts a long gaze at you his intention is not to make you feel uncomfortable around them but he is trying to make himself approachable.

12. He is trying to intimidate you

A guy who is trying to intimidate you gives you a long intense look without smiling. He might even frown his face at you while doing this.

Some guys love to exact their dominance and authority on a girl. If this happens, do not panic or allow yourself to be intimidated. You should stand tall, stare back at him, and be vocal about your thoughts.

If you do this, he will know you are not one to give in to being intimidated by others. He is trying to establish contact with you.

A guy who wants to have a word with you but is uncertain of how to approach you might stare at you. He is staring at you because he wants to figure out the kind of person that you are and what should be the best way to talk to you.

He is staring at you because he is observing if you are approachable and if he can have a word with you. This is because guys do not like to be embarrassed when they approach a lady.

So he may take his time to see if you are someone he can talk to by staring at you.


In conclusion, trying to establish the meaning of a guy’s stare can be a very challenging thing to do. That is why it is not very advisable for you as a lady to conclude what the intent of a stare is if he is yet to establish his intent by words.

While it might be easy at other times to find out what a guy’s perception of you is at other times. To be on a safer side, girls should not be in a haste to act just on being stared at by a guy.

If you care to find out his true intent for staring at you maybe you should approach him and ask questions. It might just help solve the puzzle in your mind and clarify your doubts.

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