

Understanding the Tax Repercussions of Capital Raising via Crowdfunding for Entrepreneurs


Crowdfunding has become a well-liked way for business owners to raise funds in modern times. This creative method enables people to make modest financial contributions to a project or company concept, giving the necessary sums collectively for its fulfillment. Although there are many advantages for businesses that use crowdfunding, it is important to understand the tax repercussions of doing so.

Moreover, optimizing tax savings and accurately reporting taxes are problems that freelancers frequently encounter. This post will look at independent contractor tax calculations, the taxes that freelancers must pay on 1099 income, and the self-employment and employment taxes in Illinois.

Taxes for Independent Contractors: An Overview

Understanding how taxes are computed is crucial for independent contractors to maintain legal compliance and optimize tax savings. Independent contractors, unlike traditional workers, are liable for both the employer and employee components of Social Security and Medicare taxes, sometimes known as self-employment taxes. Based on the net revenue produced by self-employment activities, these taxes are computed.

The first stage in tax calculation for independent contractors is to ascertain their net income. To achieve this, take the entire money produced and deduct all company expenditures. Equipment costs, office supply costs, marketing costs, and any other essential expenses directly associated with the contractor’s job may be considered business expenses. You can lower your small business tax and you can use a small business tax calculator to find the correct amount of taxes. The self-employment tax rate of 15.3% is then applied after the net income has been calculated. This rate is made up of 2.9% in Medicare taxes and 12.4% in Social Security taxes.

It’s also vital to remember that taxes for independent contractors must be paid. The contractor’s total revenue and filing status will determine how much federal income tax is due. Freelancers can use the IRS tax brackets to determine their federal income tax liability by applying the correct rate to their taxable income.

What Taxes Are Paid by Freelancers on 1099 Income?

In order to report their profits to the IRS, freelancers frequently get income in the form of 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC documents. Depending on their overall income, deductions, and filing status, independent contractors pay different amounts of tax on 1099 income.

Independent contractors are liable for both the employer and employee shares of Social Security and Medicare taxes, as was previously stated.

The employer component of these taxes, however, can be written off by independent contractors as a business expenditure, lowering their overall tax burden. Further lowering their taxable income, freelancers can also write off additional business-related costs including travel, office supplies, and professional development.

It is advised to speak with a tax expert or use tax software made for self-employed people to calculate the precise amount of tax freelancers pay on 1099 income. These calculators properly determine the amount of tax due by taking into account all pertinent elements, such as deductions and credits.

Illinois Tax on Self-Employment

Freelancers in Illinois must additionally take into account state-specific taxes, such as the Illinois self-employment tax, in addition to federal taxes. Individuals, including those who are self-employed, are subject to a flat-rate income tax in Illinois, with rates that vary based on household income.

The individual income tax rate in Illinois is 4.95% as of 2021. Both wage earners and self-employed people are subject to this rate. Hence, when determining their overall tax due, freelancers in Illinois must take into account this state income tax.

While standard employment taxes, such as payroll taxes, do not apply to freelancers, they are nonetheless liable for self-employment taxes, as was previously mentioned. Notably, an independent contractor becomes liable for employment taxes on behalf of their employees if they hire staff for their firm.

Social Security and Medicare taxes, federal income tax withholding, and the federal unemployment tax are all examples of employment taxes. These taxes must be deducted from employee earnings by employers and paid to the proper taxing authorities. Penalties and legal repercussions may arise if employment tax responsibilities are not met.


Entrepreneurs now frequently use crowdfunding to secure cash for their projects. Entrepreneurs must, however, be aware of the tax repercussions of using this fundraising strategy. However, optimizing tax savings and properly reporting taxes present special hurdles for freelancers.

Entrepreneurs and freelancers may better manage the tax environment if they are knowledgeable of independent contractor tax calculations, how much tax freelancers pay on 1099 revenue, and state-specific taxes like the Illinois self-employment tax. To further ensure compliance and maximize tax savings, consider consulting an expert or using tax software.

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