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5 Top Universities in Colombia 


Colombia is a nation in South America renowned for its beautiful beaches, luscious jungles, and rich cultural legacy. The country is perfect for travelers from around the world because of its lovely culture and good weather.

Being able to witness Colombia’s rich history and cultural legacy firsthand while studying there would be an incredible experience that will stay with you forever. It should come as no surprise that Colombia provides one of the best opportunities for cultural immersion for overseas students. The top universities in Colombia  will be examined in this post.

Top Universities in Colombia

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There are many excellent universities in Colombia, but here are 5 of the top ones:

1. The Pontifical Javeriana University

The annual cost of tuition is about $7,000. The best and oldest institution in Colombia is called the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, or the Pontifical Javeriana institution. The religious organisation, the Society of Jesus, is in charge of what the students refer to as “La Javeriana,” which has campuses in Cali City and central Bogota. The Ministry of National Education approved La Javeriana as a high-quality educational institution, making it the first university in the nation to do so.

La Javeriana now has nineteen faculties in the fields of engineering, architecture, theology, nursing, and medicine. Excellent reviews from both local and international students have also been given about the faculties of law and nursing. In addition to accepting  foreign students from all over the world, the university now hosts exchange students from a variety of nations.

2. The University of the Andes

An autonomous private institution in Bogota is called the University of the Andes. The nine schools of science, medicine, engineering, economics, social science, law, business administration, arts and humanities, and architecture and design are housed within this premier university in Colombia.

Students at Uniandes are encouraged to participate in transdisciplinary learning and are given flexibility in their curricula. For extracurricular involvement, students might join their active groups and societies.

Even though Uniandes is located in the heart of Bogota, students can still readily engage with the lively local culture. The city has easy access to transportation hubs, historical sites, and cultural establishments. Still, the Uniandes campus and its large green areas provide a haven for students.

3. The University of Antioquia, or UdeA

The annual tuition fee is $1,000 USD. The University of Antioquia is a public, coeducational university that was founded in 1803 and is regarded as one of the best in Colombia for overseas students. It is well known for having what is considered to be Colombia’s most famous and excellent faculty of medicine.

It provides instruction in a broad range of subjects outside of medicine, such as the arts and humanities, sciences, and technology and mechanics. Through a variety of international alliances, students can pursue double degrees with foreign universities in a few of these subjects.

Currently, the University of Antioquia has 11 regional campuses located throughout Colombian municipalities, in addition to its main campus in Medellin. Additionally, in 2011, the UdeA received an award for the best higher education regionalization experience.

4. The University of Del Rosario

The third-oldest university in Colombia is called Universidad del Rosario, or Del Rosario University. It was founded as a private school in 1653. Over several decades, the university gained prominence in Colombian history and earned the moniker “the Cradle of the Republic.”

The university has produced at least 28 of Colombia’s presidents, a record that makes them proud. It continues to be one of the most sought-after schools by both domestic and foreign students, having created a secular concept of education.

Four schools—administration, human sciences, medicine and health, engineering, science, and technology—and five faculties—jurisprudence, economics, natural sciences, creation, and international, political, & urban studies—are currently housed inside Del Rosario University. Both undergraduate and graduate degrees are offered by these faculties.

5. Santander Industrial University (UIS)

The annual tuition fee is $1,000 USD. One of the biggest universities in the nation in terms of enrollment is the Industrial University of Santander, or Universidad Industrial de Santander in Spanish. It is also one of the top universities in the country for research output, publications, and technical advancements.

This excellent university in Colombia started off simply providing programmes in mechanical, chemical, and electrical engineering but has since grown to include science, health, agroindustry and tourism. Thus far, it offers more than 125 programmes, comprising 21 master’s degree programmes and six PhD programmes.

Five neighbouring towns are home to the regional campuses of UIS, while the main campus is located in Santander. These locations, which are all historic districts, beach areas, or laid-back villages, provide students with a tranquil study environment.

Other Universities in Colombia

1. University of Antioquia

A public research university located in Medellín, it’s the largest university in the country and one of the oldest in Latin America.

2. National University of Colombia

Also known as Universidad Nacional de Colombia, it’s a public research university located in Bogotá. It’s considered one of the best universities in Latin America.

3. University of the Andes

This private research university is located in Bogotá and is known for its high academic standards. It offers a variety of undergraduate programs.

4. Pontifical Xavierian University

Another top private university in Colombia, it’s known for its business and economics programs. It’s located in Bogotá and has a strong international focus.

5. University of Valle

Also known as Universidad del Valle, this public university is located in Cali. It’s known for its programs in engineering, medicine, and the social sciences.

6. University of Los Andes

A small but prestigious private university in Bogotá, it’s considered one of the top schools in Colombia for international studies and language programs.

7. Javeriana University

Located in Bogotá, this private Jesuit university is well-known for its law, business, and engineering programs.

8. University of the Amazon

Also known as Universidad de la Amazonía, this public university is located in the city of Florencia, in the Amazon region of Colombia. It’s known for its programs in agronomy, forestry, and environmental studies.

9. Technological University of Pereira

Located in Pereira, this public university is known for its engineering, computer science, and business programs.

10.  University of Atlántico

A public university located in Barranquilla, it’s known for its programs in medicine, engineering and social sciences.

11. University of Cartagena

Located in the city of Cartagena, it’s known for its programs in law, tourism, and business.

12. University of Cauca

A public university located in Popayán, it’s known for its programs in health sciences, engineering, and agronomy.

13. University of the Llanos

A public university located in Villavicencio, it’s known for its programs in engineering and business.

 14. Bolivarian Pontifical University

A private Catholic university located in Medellín, it’s known for its programs in philosophy, theology, and canon law.

FAQs About Top Universities in Colombia.

1. Are the top universities in Colombia suitable for International students?

Colombian universities are well-known worldwide, particularly in the domains of engineering, social sciences, and administration. In addition to two of the most prominent colleges ranking in the top 300 globally, over 30 institutions made it to the list of the top 300 South American universities.

Compared to other well-known study abroad locations, Colombian colleges offer comparatively lower tuition costs. The starting cost of state-funded universities is approximately $630 per semester, although the cost of private universities ranges from $700 to $4000. For worthy overseas students, there are also several scholarship options available.

For students, living in Colombia is relatively reasonably priced. Your monthly budget should allow you approximately $1000 to cover your lodging, groceries and travel expenses. It’s equally simple to get around. For those looking for a different kind of transportation, major cities like Medellin and Bogota also provide a vast network of bicycle lanes. Living in Colombia will expose you to enough Spanish to acquire the language by heart, if that’s your goal.

2. Can International Students Who Are Studying in Top Universities in Colombia work?

International students studying in Colombia are granted a V student visa (for non-degree and language programmes) or a M student visa (for longer study periods). However, foreign students are not permitted to work while pursuing their education with either of these two visas. According to the nation’s visa application guidelines, any type of internship must be verified as a prerequisite for the degree.

3. Can Foreign Students Remain in Colombia When they Graduate from the Top Universities in Colombia?

It’s possible that Colombia has been embedded in you and has caught your interest during the course of your four to six years of studies, and you want to stay and launch your career there. Fortunately, overseas students and graduates have access to numerous scholarship possibilities offered by the Colombian government. Although teaching is a common career path for foreign nationals, you can pursue your area of specialty as long as you have a job offer. After that, your employer may sponsor a work visa for you.


As you can see, Colombia has an impressively wide selection of universities. Whether you want to attend a public or private university, you’re likely to discover one that fits your needs and interests. These universities only make up a tiny percentage of Colombia’s extensive educational heritage.

To learn more about higher education in Colombia, I advise going to the Ministry of Education’s website. They offer services to students who are interested in studying in Colombia and also have a wealth of information regarding the colleges in the country.




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