
Grace Ehimare

12 Clear Signs Your Neighbors Don’t Like You


Your neighbors are key players in your environment. If you’ve got good ones where you all look out for each other and are happy or sad together, you are truly blessed.

If you have nosy, hateful, or grumpy neighbors, then this article is for you.

The truth is, no matter how good you are, there’s going to be someone, somewhere, who doesn’t like you. A lot of the time, it won’t be because of something you said or did. It will most likely border on the fact that some people are just insatiable, envious, and would look for any excuse to not be at peace with others.

Now, when this person isn’t far away in some part of the world but lives in your neighborhood, it is a whole different ball game.

Some may put on a subtle charade; they smile when you are there but have a different attitude the minute you turn around. For others, it’s out in the open, and everyone can see it. They reek of hatred and can’t stand you. The worst kind are those who recruit other neighbors against you.

You need to be aware of these signs that your neighbor, behind all the smiles and courtesy, doesn’t like you. It will help you create healthy boundaries and watch out for yourself. It will also help you be careful with the information you are giving out and to whom. Above all, it will empower you to create a safe space for yourself.

12 Signs Your Neighbors Don’t Like You

if your neighbors exhibit the below signs, especially frequently. It could be that they don’t really like you.

1. They talk about you behind your back

Keira, Pixels

Have you noticed that whenever you walk up to a group of neighbors having a conversation, they disperse the moment you arrive? This has happened repeatedly. Chances are, you were the subject of discussion.

It’s most likely that the hatred started with one person and spread to others like poison. A neighbor who doesn’t like you may have cooked up stories, whether they are true or not, just to make others think ill of you. They could go as far as warning their children to have nothing to do with your family.

If you still have friends who are loyal to you, soon enough you’ll begin to hear the rumors being pedaled about you. Not only will you hear rumors, but you’ll also notice that your neighbors attitudes towards you will change because of what they have been told.

Most times, none of them will have the courage to confront you about whatever they’ve heard. It’s like they’ve been waiting to hear bad things about you from the beginning.

2. Fake smile

Shaheen, Unsplash

Humans are generally wired to notice body language. It’s the unspoken communication of one’s true feelings and emotions. No matter how hard a person tries, their body language doesn’t lie.

If you pay attention, you’ll notice what they are communicating with their bodies. They may smile at you, but if you look closely, you’ll be able to tell when they are not sincere.

The eyerolls, crossed arms, and keeping their distance as if you have a contagious disease are some of the subtle but significant body language that can easily tell you your neighbors do not like you very much.

3. Don’t respect your boundaries

Your personal boundaries are the lines you’ve drawn to protect your comfort and privacy. A neighbor who doesn’t like them has no respect for them. They are usually in your business; they want to know what’s going on in your home and life if possible.

So they peek out of their windows when you are in the driveway, mowing your lawn, or playing outside with your kids. In extreme cases, they may go through your mail or trash can just to get information about you. They hate you, but they are nosy, looking for a secret or a reason to badmouth you to other neighbors.

They may use your things without letting you know. Perhaps, they may not know how to bring themselves to ask you for a favor since they can’t stand you.

4. Avoid conversations 

Neighbors who do not like you will make deliberate efforts to avoid conversing with you. They completely ignore your greetings or give you a one-word response whenever you talk to them.

This will be easy to spot because they will most likely be free to talk to your other neighbors but not extend such kindness to you.

5. Don’t send you an invitation

Imagine a neighbor who throws a party and has barbecue and good, loud music going on. People are going and coming into their houses. You can hear laughter and the children’s squealing.

A lot of people seem to have come for this fancy party. You recognize that these people are your neighbors. There’s only one person who isn’t at the party. This person didn’t even get so much as an invite. And that person is you.

A neighbor who dislikes you won’t want you around them, so they aren’t going to send you any invitations in order to spite you.

6. Declined your invitation

Not only do these neighbors not invite you to their special function, they also turn down any invitation you extend to them. They make up flimsy excuses for not attending your invitation. At other times, they do not acknowledge that they received it.

7. Always disagree with you

In the case where there are things in the neighborhood that bring you and them together in the same space, such as meetings of tenants or homeowners, they tend to counter whatever suggestions you may have, sometimes without tangible reason.

Never mind that your idea may be the needed solution; they are willing to trade reasoning for how they feel about you.

8. Complain a lot 

Hateful neighbors find a reason to complain. They complain that the laughter in your home is too much, your car isn’t parked right, your music is too loud, and your children run around even though they are under supervision.

They seek every opportunity to complain about what you are doing or not doing. Sometimes, rather than confronting you, they may go around telling your other neighbors who care to listen to them. Worse, they could call the cops. They are usually annoyingly petty. These kinds of neighbors could get you into unnecessary trouble.

9. Play loud music

Nothing beats a neighbor who plays loud music into the dead of the night. They know this is annoying, but they willingly carry on to get under your skin and get the reaction that they may have been seeking from you.

It’s okay if they do this once in a while, but these kinds are unrepentant, even after many attempts to make them see. They are hell-bent on disturbing you.

10. Show no empathy

Neighbors who do not like you are not moved when you suffer a setback or pain, such as the loss of a family member, even when other neighbors give a hand of fellowship to you. For me, it’s the height of hatred.

11. Very aggressive

Mohamed-Hassan, Pixabay

I’m sure you wouldn’t need anyone to tell you that your neighbor dislikes you if they are hostile to you. When you notice repeated vandalism on your property, a nosy and annoyed neighbor could be responsible.

They may use offensive language when talking with you; could be derogatory remarks to slice at your confidence and self-worth. Some of these neighbors could take it a step further by threatening you physically, verbally, or emotionally. You would generally feel unsafe with them around.

12. You just feel it

Sometimes, before you notice these signs we have talked about, you may just have a deep-seated negative vibe from a neighbor that you can’t shake. As humans, we have an intrinsic feeling that signifies we are either in a troublesome situation or around harmful people.

Pay attention to the vibes you get from your neighbors. You should be able to spot anyone who may be nice to you but doesn’t like you.

Our neighbors are a major part of our environment; they determine if it will be a healthy and safe one or not. And because no human is an island, you cannot avoid them; you must interact with them at one level or another.

If you have noticed some or all 12 signs your neighbors don’t like you, there are many approaches to handling it. You could choose to ignore them and live your life. You could also decide to confront them and try to talk things over.

Leaving that neighborhood could also be an option.

In all you do, never let the way others treat you change who you are. Stay true to yourself and keep sharing the love and light.

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