Salman Rahat

Reasons to go for the Best Data Analysis Certification

Data analysis certification


In today’s data-driven world, data analysis skills are highly sought after in almost every industry. As organizations realize the value of insights that can be derived from data, the demand for qualified data analysts continues to grow rapidly. This has led to an explosion in the number of certifications available for data analysis, predictive modeling, business intelligence, and data science. 

So how do you decide which data analytics best certification for you? Here are some key reasons why you should aim for the top certifications in this field.

Reasons to go for the Best Data Analysis Certification

1. Demand and Salary Potential

The most important reason to go for the best data analysis certifications is the high demand for certified data professionals. According to IBM, there will be an estimated shortage of nearly 150,000 data scientists and 1.5 million data analytics managers by 2024. LinkedIn’s emerging jobs report also ranks data analytics skills among the top few in-demand skills across industries.

As organizations adopt Big Data and AI technologies, they need qualified people who can manage data, draw actionable insights from it, and communicate those insights effectively to drive business strategy and growth. The best certifications equip you with these high-value skills that are scarce but critical.

Better certifications also directly translate to higher salaries. Data scientists with top certifications can earn well over 20 lakh rupees a year on average. Even for entry-level data analyst roles, certified professionals can earn over 10 lakh rupees to start, which is much higher than average. 

The proof of your advanced skills and knowledge through the best certifications puts you on a fast-track to demanding roles and salaries.

2. Industry recognized Credentials

All certifications are not created equal. When deciding which data analytics certification to pursue, go for industry-recognized credentials offered by leading technology vendors and professional organizations. Some examples are CLA (Microsoft), CCBA (IIBA), CBAP (IIBA), MCSE (Microsoft), CCDA (SAS), CCA (Cloudera) and OCA (Oracle).

Such top certifications are globally accepted credentials that can accelerate your career. Recruiters and organizations look for these certifications when hiring for data roles. These are also great for standing out from the crowd, as respected third parties have validated your skills through rigorous exams. Less-known certifications or online courses do not provide the same level of trust and credibility.

3. Valuable Skills Development

Beyond getting a certificate, the learning and skill development provided by the best certifications are invaluable. They equip you with in-demand technical skills as well as conceptual knowledge that is applicable across tools and technologies.

For instance, MCA (Microsoft) thoroughly covers critical Big Data and analytics skills like HDInsight, R, SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, Azure Machine Learning, etc. CCA (Cloudera) builds expertise in Hadoop, Pig, Hive, Impala, Spark and HBase. CBAP (IIBA) teaches key concepts like data mining, data warehousing, statistics, visualization and more.

Such extensive skills development enables you to deliver impactful data solutions and gives you an edge over your peers. The thorough preparation and learning required also build problem-solving skills. This provides lifelong value beyond just clearing the certification exam, as opposed to short online courses that give very limited skills.

4. Learn Industry Best Practices

A huge benefit of the top certifications is that they teach you industry standards, best practices and methodologies for data analytics. For example, CCBA (IIBA) teaches you how to gather requirements effectively, design solutions collaboratively and deliver maximum business value.

OCA (Oracle) covers SQL design, database tuning, schema modeling and PL/SQL programming done right. CCDA (SAS) builds statistical analysis skills using SAS tools in the correct way.

Such training in industry best practices is very useful for new and intermediate level professionals. It equips you with the methodical approach and mindset followed by successful data analysts. It also aligns your skills to how data initiatives work in real organizations. This focus on best practices is a key differentiator of the best certifications.

5. Career Advancement and Growth

For working professionals, the top certifications enable faster career advancement and salary growth. They open doors to new opportunities that may not be accessible otherwise at that stage of your career.

Certifications like CBAP (IIBA) and CISSP (ISC2) allow experienced professionals to transition to senior data analyst or management roles. PMP (PMI) expands scope to become a project manager. DSX (IBM) enables data scientists to level up as senior decision science experts.

The specialized expertise demonstrated through premier certifications gives managers and leaders confidence in your abilities. It equips you for broader responsibilities and higher value strategic projects. Over time, this leads to positions with increased complexity, impact and rewards. Your continuous learning also makes you an asset to employers.

6. Develop a Professional Network

Gaining the best certifications allows you to connect with an extensive network of professionals who have achieved the same credential. For instance, SAS has over 100,000 professionals certified on their analytics and AI technologies. Oracle has millions certified certifications for their database, cloud and other technologies. Microsoft has a vast network of certified data, IT and business professionals.

These are great platforms to build connections and get peer advice on career development. Certification holders often organize regional study groups and events. You get access to knowledgeable mentors and experts who can guide you.

The alumni network becomes an invaluable asset for new opportunities and growth. This community also keeps you updated on the latest technology trends, best practices and emerging roles.

7. Drives Personal Development

Pursuing the best certifications involves significant commitment and effort. It requires months of consistent study, practice and preparation. Rigorous exams test your grasp of complex concepts and ability to deliver results using specific tools and methodologies. Achieving top certifications demonstrates qualities like discipline, perseverance, time management and learning capability.

The process of certification drives personal development in these areas. Continuous learning is also essential for success as a data analyst, since technologies change rapidly. Going through this journey helps build passion for lifelong learning. It inculcates the mindset of constantly developing new skills. These personal qualities enable you to thrive in your data career.

8. Become an Expert

High-end certifications like CCDP (SAS) validate your expertise in niche domains like data mining, machine learning and IoT analytics. CCPD (ISC2) makes you an certified expert in privacy and data protection. Similarly, CBDE (CMU) certifies your skills as a business data engineer using R, Python and Big Data tools.

These premier certifications confer mastery of complex data analysis skills that are highly valued. They distinguish you from peers with general analytics knowledge. Expert certifications open up senior and leadership roles like Chief Data Scientist, Analytics Architect, ML Engineer, etc. They also boost consulting careers, as clients have confidence in engaging certified experts.

9. Signal to Employers

Finally, the best certifications act as a strong signal to employers about your capability, commitment and potential. Top certifications get noticed and shortlisted by recruiters. Hiring managers see high value in candidates who have made the effort to skill up through rigorous credential programs before applying. It displays enthusiasm as well as ability to learn and master new technologies.

Many companies explicitly list or prefer certified candidates for data roles. Microsoft, Oracle, IBM and other vendors favor professionals certified on their platforms. The certifications help grab attention and make the right impression during job applications. They can be potential tie-breakers between nearly equal candidates. In competitive job markets, the best certifications provide a measurable edge.


With data analytics being a hot field, getting the right certifications can be a smart career investment. Top certifications not only validate your skills but also equip you with specialized expertise and methodologies used in real organizations.

They enable faster career advancement and salary growth. Industry leaders and professional bodies offer certifications that are globally recognized and respected.

While evaluating options, go for certifications that are rigorous, teach industry best practices, and build in-demand data analysis skills. Completing the certification journey develops personal qualities like learning ability, discipline and perseverance. It expands your professional network and demonstrates your commitment to employers. For aspiring and current data professionals, the high ROI and benefits make the best certifications well worth the effort.

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