Studies have shown that people with negative attitudes directly or indirectly influence their environment in a negative way. They have this mindset that nothing positive can come from them or from others. Negative attitudes make you always see things from a negative lens. That’s why you can’t wait to get rid of them now.
Know that skills, gifts, and talents can take you to the limelight “because the gifts of a man make way for him” but your character and habits will either keep you there or throw you down. Hence you need to be intentional with handling and removing those habits and attitudes that describe you in a bad way.
I got most of these steps from my personal experiences so far in handling the things I hate in my own life. So Let’s dive in straight into the 12 proven tips that help me in the process of getting rid of Negative attitudes.
Identify Them
When last did I give a rude reply and why?
Why did I just tell this story?…
Knowing that what you do is who you are, you are still wrong even after justifying yourself for being Negative.
right and wrong, good or bad.

Not just whether it’s intentional or not. When damage has been caused, your intentions don’t matter. That’s why you must hate every attitude in you that is bad and wrong. Whether it’s acceptable to some people or not. I realized that the major reason why we act rudely and behave negatively in public is just to please people. To save our self-image. To feel important.
What a thousand word cannot tell, silence will.
Chinonso N.
You can write down those Negative attitudes. Be serious and intentional with it because sometimes, it can be the difference between life and death.
Willingness To Get Rid Of Negative Attitudes
Having discovered that you have this negative attitude, the first question to ask yourself is how willing am I to get rid of it and when should that be? You can’t break loose from that Negative attitude if you are still accommodating it anywhere in your life. Be intentional about getting rid of negative attitudes and work towards that.
Focus On The Solution And Not The Problem

I’ve come to discover that more people focus more on their problems than on the solution. Most times, we tend to blame our friends, colleague, and families for our bad experiences, and we end up screwing things up.
In the end, you feel more pain because you have only compounded your problems, resolve to stop blaming people or the environment for being the cause of your misfortune, and find possible ways to tackle your challenges.
Take Charge Of Your Life
Don’t allow negative attitudes or mindsets to take a toll on your life. You are in control of your life, you are the CEO of your life, people or circumstances should not control your mood or behavior. Don’t be a slave to your surrounding.
Intentionally cultivate a positive attitude toward life and don’t always hold on to negative experiences. For example, you applied for a job and you didn’t get it. There is every tendency that negative thoughts will set in. You may begin to see yourself as inadequate.
If you stay on it, over time you may slowly degenerate into depression. You have to brace up yourself! It’s not over yet. take a deep breath, beat your chest and praise yourself for qualifying for that interview. Listen to that your favorite music. Grab a cup of cold stone ice cream, and go all out. kick those negative thoughts out of your mind, then come back and restrategize.
Surround Yourself With Positive People

Studies have shown that the people we allow into our lives directly or indirectly influence us either in a positive or negative way. Don’t stay around people who put you down and don’t see any good in you or in what you do.
Start surrounding yourself with people who bring out the best in you and have your best interest at heart. And that encourages you to be your best. Stay close to positive people and it can help you change your negative attitudes.
Forgive Yourself And Let Go Of Grudges
You may have made past mistakes, which cost you a lot. Don’t dwell on your mistakes or imperfections. Don’t allow them to control how you feel. It may be people who contributed greatly to your failure at some point in life. Holding grudges will only emphasize a negative attitude, forgive yourself, forgive others, and let go of past mistakes, failures, and grudges so it won’t cause more pain.
Dwell More On Your Successes, Not On Failures

Doing this will help you cultivate a positive attitude and surroundings. Focusing on your failures can blind your eyes and make you not see any good in yourself or others. This doesn’t mean you should play blind on all your failures. There is something definitely to be learned from some failures. Just wisely condition your heart for success. And make the necessary corrections when you fail or fall into Negativity.
Avoid The Use Of Negative Words

I’ve come to understand that our words can make or Mar us, therefore, in order to cultivate a positive attitude, get rid of words like, I cannot, I won’t make it, I will fail, it’s not possible, try using positive words as I can, I will, I must, I will succeed, I will be great, I am not bad, God is with me. They can help erase all negative thoughts from your mind and make you always feel positive, try it, it works!
Paste Positive Quotes On Your Walls
You need to always remind yourself of positive things, therefore, by pasting those quotes on your wall, you are reaffirming yourself in a positive way, and it will make you always cultivate positive attitudes.
Serve Others

I’ve come to understand that serving others has a way of liberating us from pride and making us feel a lot better. Don’t always wait to be served, volunteer to serve others, help people who are in need, and sow seeds of love where there is hatred.
Be an instrument of peace and always put smiles on people’s faces. It has a way of opening you up to change. In the process, you’ll encounter some negative attitudes like pride or inferiority complex which will seek to interfere with your service. Identify and get rid of those negative attitudes and cultivate good ones.
Be Intentional With Cultivating Positive Attitudes
Get up now and start acting. Getting rid of your negative attitudes doesn’t happen by chance. You must consciously resolve to see it change for the better.
Spirituality Plays A Role Too
Don’t forget that this world is governed by some supernatural forces that we can only sense or feel but can’t touch. An example of that is the air we breathe. They lied to you about spirituality. It still plays a tremendous role in helping you stay positive and get rid of Negative lifestyle and habits. There is a personality that puts all these things into play, even you. That is God.

He made all of us. If you don’t believe in him yet, you are missing out on a great benefit. He made you. So he understands your chemistry more than you do. When every tip and guide fails, he can’t fail. Talk to him about that troubling attitude. For he said in his holy book “Cast all your cares upon him because he cares for you”. Do that by prayer through the name of his Son Jesus. When all methods have failed, he won’t fail.
Last Words On How To Remove Negative Attitudes
In conclusion, these twelve tips help me to stay positive and to get rid of negative attitudes even when they seem challenging. Some of the tips here can help you even in other life challenges. You can achieve the same result. Be patient too, even when you feel nothing is happening, Great changes are already taking place. Just follow through with the appropriate actions and you’ll smash every Negative attitude that has bedeviled your life.
Thank you Sis.
Great one here