Kitties are animals that kids are so familiar with, either through movies, pictures or having them as pets at home. Cats are the most loved domesticated animal belonging to the Falidae family. Most children love cats and like to play with them all day. Children love drawing, and they would definitely try to draw their favorite cat. Though your child knows how to draw, sometimes they might struggle to draw a simple cat in an effective way.
Below are the step-by-step instructions that can be taken to draw a Kitty easily.
How to Draw a Kitty Step by Step

1. Draw the outline of the Kitty’s ears
Starting on the upper right portion of your paper, draw two triangular cat ears connected together by a curved downward line. This outlines the kitten’s pair of ears as well as the top of its head.
To ensure that the outline will be positioned in the appropriate spot, draw a horizontal and a vertical line across the paper to create reference lines. When drawn correctly, the guideline should divide your paper into four square divisions. The space on the upper right corner is where you should draw the outline.
2. Draw an Outline of the Kitten’s Face
Extend the lines from below the ears all the way down to the kitten’s chin. The shape of the kitten’s face must be a bit wider at the button compared to the top to emphasize its chubby cheeks. Don’t forget to add pointed clumps of fur on each side of the face!
3. Then, Draw the Kitten’s Front Legs
Right underneath the kitten’s face, draw two front legs side by side. As shown in the illustration, you can draw the front legs by simply drawing overlapping, curved lines below the face.
Emphasize the fur on the kitten’s chest area to make the kitten look more furry and fluffy!
4. Draw the Bottom Part of the Kitten’s Body
Draw a downward curved line to create the outline of the kitten’s back and bottom part. The back should be structured downward, while the bottom should be curved like a half circle shape.
When drawn correctly, the outline should appear like a downward slope to make the kitten look like it is sitting down.
5. Next, Draw the Kitten’s Hind Legs
Draw another curved line facing the kitten’s bottoms to outline the thighs. Then, draw a leg with a paw right underneath the kitten’s bended thighs.
Don’t forget to add lines on the kitten’s paw to create divisions between its claws.
6. Then, Draw the Kitten’s Tail
On the lower bottom part of the kitten’s body, draw a long, fluffy tail. The tail is as simple as drawing a curved sausage.
However, you can draw the tail any way you like. You can make it as furry as you want it to be by adding large chunks of fur poking out all over the tail.
7. Outline the Kitten’s Inner Ear
Inside the ear of the kitten that we have drawn in the first step, draw a triangular shape following the outline.
This will outline the inside of the ears, thus making the kitten’s physical features appear more dimensional and realistic.
8. Now, Draw the Kitten’s Nose and Mouth
On the bottom part of the face, draw an upside-down triangular shape in the middle to create the kitten’s nose.
Then, draw two curved lines right underneath the nose to outline the mouth. The kitten’s mouth should appear like a curved letter “w”.
9. Afterwards, Draw the Kitten’s Eyes
Right above the nose, draw two upright oval shapes slightly apart from each other.
Then, within the eyes, draw another two tiny oval shapes. Shade the eyes from the tiny dots inside the eyes to create an adorable “glimmering eyes” effect. You can even add eyelashes and whiskers if you like! Finally, this is the part where you can show off your artistic skills and your ability to mix and match various colors.
Facts about kittens
1 Kittens are Adorable
With their large eyes, chubby-looking cheeks, wispy fur, and endearing antics, kittens are just plain cute.
In fact, humans are hard-wired to find babies cute and want to take care of them. Kittens are no exception; their sweet faces are irresistible to us.
2. Kittens don’t require too much housetraining
While you certainly need to make sure you have enough litter boxes and that they’re kept sparkling clean, house training a kitten is not as labor-intensive as housetraining a puppy.
Using a litter box comes pretty intuitively for most kittens, and you usually just have to show them where it is and you’re done.
3. Kittens Are Playful
Everything is interesting to a kitten, and anything can become a toy. Kids are drawn to this attitude, of course, because they have it too, but adults also find this quality endearing. It helps take our minds off of the cares of the day for a few moments and allows us to see the world as the enchanting, fun place our kitten thinks it is.
4. Kittens Purr
A tiny kitten making a tiny purr when you pet him has to be one of the sweetest things ever. Some kittens purr almost constantly, while others reserve it for only special moments. Either way, hearing and feeling a kitten purr is among the greatest pleasures in life for a cat person.
In conclusion, Learning to draw enhances your child’s thinking skills. They explore and experiment with innovative ideas to create something really beautiful. Conducting art activities for kids at home helps them learn how to draw and create stunning illustration. This will help them develop hand-eye coordination and concentration level on whatever they are doing.
Cats and kittens are a popular request from children, second only to puppies. Cats can be wonderful pets, as they do not require as much care as a dog to remain happy and healthy, but can be affectionate, independent and amusing.