

How to attract customers on Instagram: 10 powerful strategies!

How to attract customers on Instagram, Instagram, superviral

How to attract customers on Instagram? Social networks are powerful sales tools because they facilitate audience interaction. Therefore, knowing how to attract customers on Instagram can leverage (and improve) your business results.

For this to happen, you have to stand out among thousands of offers and demonstrate your product’s and your brand’s value.

To help you on this journey, we have listed some tips on attracting customers on Instagram and ensuring the best strategy to boost your business’s sales.

What you will see:

  • Study the market
  • Define your persona
  • Use a business profile
  • Create an editorial line
  • Invest in paid traffic
  • Carry out promotions
  • Partner with influencers
  • Use the bio link to your advantage
  • Create CTAs for your offers
  • Use copywriting techniques

Why use Instagram to attract customers?

With over 1 billion registered users, Instagram is one of the largest social networks, with millions of daily active profiles.

This is one of the reasons why knowing how to attract customers on Instagram can be critical for your digital business.

However, he is not the only one! There are other good reasons to invest in this network, such as:

  • Instagram is a visual-focused social network that facilitates the creation of attractive campaigns.
  • The platform enables interaction through engagement in content.
  • Instagram has a diversity of content formats.
  • In this network, it is possible to create a profile aimed exclusively at sales.
  • The platform has resources for monitoring the results.

How to attract customers on Instagram?

The UK is the second country with the most Instagram users worldwide, with 100 million active accounts. In addition, more than 55% of these people have already used the platform to communicate with a company.

Knowing how to attract customers on Instagram can turn your brand into a successful business.

To ensure these opportunities, check out some strategies below that will boost your sales.

1. Study the market

The first step in attracting customers on Instagram is to know the potential market for your product or service. You can map the competition and observe the opportunities by learning more about your segment.

In addition, this study is also essential to optimizing your offers and knowing more details about your target audience.

Click Here For More Information About Instagram Followers and Likes.

2. Define your persona

Studying your segment has other advantages besides discovering the best market possibilities. It also makes it possible to draw a profile of your ideal customer, which is known as a persona in digital marketing.

For this, it is necessary to know habits and characteristics such as:

  • Objectives;
  • Demands;
  • Concerns;
  • One way to attract these people and capture information that helps create this profile is to use a landing page with a form.

You can offer rich material, such as e-books and infographics, to encourage engagement with this capture page.

3. Use a business profile

Another way to get to know your audience’s habits better is by following the metrics of your Instagram profile. For this, it is necessary to have a commercial profile.

This allows you to measure the results and what attracts the most engagement, increasingly optimizing your ideal customer profile.

In addition, there are other advantages to using an Instagram business page, such as:

  • Personalized resources for campaigns;
  • Possibility of integration with other tools;
  • Provision of data;
  • Use of the sponsored posting feature.

4. Create an editorial line

If you want to attract customers on Instagram, know that it is also necessary to create good content, maintain a publication frequency, and ensure that it aligns with what your target audience wants to consume.

For this, creating an editorial line for your page on the platform is essential, as is investing in the consistency and diversity of content.

Thus, to build your editorial line, you will need to take into account information such as:

  • Niche
  • Persona
  • Your market study
  • Characteristics of your product
  • The editorial line will assist in segmenting content, which is fundamental to optimizing your audience’s experience within the sales funnel

5. Invest in paid traffic

As we have already mentioned, one of the main advantages of using Instagram in a sales strategy is the possibility of investing in paid traffic.

Using Instagram Ads is a feature for increasing your offer’s reach, which means that more people can view your campaigns.

But for this, you need to adjust the campaign according to your target audience, including demographics.

6. Carry out promotions

Another way to increase reach and ensure you attract customers on Instagram is by holding special promotions and customizing your offers.

This initiative helps to attract new leads and boost the conversion of potential customers who are already more qualified in the sales funnel.

It is also worth mentioning that, in addition to attracting new customers, promotions are also a way to ensure recurrence in purchases and retain your audience.

7. Partner with influencers

According to a survey by Opinion Box, 71% of Instagram users in UK follow digital influencers, and 58% of them have already made an influence-based purchase.

Therefore, Influence Marketing is a powerful strategy for those looking to attract customers on Instagram. In it, you strategically associate with an influencer to boost your brand’s visibility.

But when it comes to involving an influencer in your strategy, it is essential to consider whether there is a match with your audience and how positive this association is for your brand.

8. Use the bio link to your advantage

The Instagram biography is a space that allows you to use 160 characters to convey an objective message to your followers.

In addition to including some information about your brand, the Instagram bio can also be used to open a link aggregator.

This feature helps drive organic traffic from your profile to a high-converting page, such as a capture or sales page.

9. Create CTAs for your offers

The CTA, or Call to Action, means a call to action: the direction you want your lead to follow within your sales funnel.

This message model is widely used in digital marketing because it makes communication clear and users’ navigation experiences more intuitive.

A CTA is usually accompanied by a button with a link to direct traffic. They use verbs in the imperative, such as “Know” and “Discover.”

10. Use copywriting techniques

A CTA is a component of copywriting, but persuasive writing strategies can be used in other ways as well if you are trying to figure out more ways to draw customers to your Instagram account.

Another way is the use of mental triggers, such as:

  1. Scarcity;
  2. Exclusivity;
  3. Urgency;
  4. Anticipation;
  5. New;
  6. Reciprocity, etc.

Now that you know the main strategies for attracting customers on Instagram, how about raising your chances of sales on social networks even more.

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