
Smash Negativity Team

8 Good Trade Jobs For Females

trade jobs

The fact that trade jobs have been dominated by men for so long makes it seem flimsy that we have evolved; women are no longer overshadowed and left in the background. Research has shown that there has been an increase in the number of women working in trade jobs. Therefore, as the scope of trade professions changes, more women are exploring and exceeding expectations in traditionally male-dominated industries.

Many females still find it boggling to enter some trade jobs because of how unwelcoming they seem. However, be rest assured that all opportunities can be trade jobs for females, from electrical work to make-up and decorations, from construction work to needle work, e.t.c. There is a wide range of trade jobs that females can embark on to make successful careers and earn competitive salaries.

Whether you’re passionate about handwork or mental work, understand that trade jobs will offer you a chance to create a rewarding career for yourself and empower other females to thrive in the workforce. In addition, most females can attest that skilled trade jobs offer a higher salary compared to other professions, which enables women to earn more and thrive financially.

In this article, we will explore some of the best trade jobs for females, highlighting the basic skills and qualifications needed to excel in the field.

Good Trade Jobs For Females: Skills and Qualifications Required

Trade jobs are jobs that involve or require special training. The skills required usually take a period of time, usually up to two years, to acquire. These skills can either be physical or technical, because today there’s a high demand for female trade professionals in many fields due to the rapid development of the economy. Most of these jobs offer promising career opportunities for females. Here are some examples of good trade jobs for females:

1. Electrical work

Electricians are usually in high demand due to the increasing emphasis on renewable energy and sustainability. They are mostly required to install, maintain, and repair electrical systems in different settings, including commercial, industrial and residential settings.

The basic skills required of women in this field include physical stamina and good hand-eye coordination, the ability to read blueprints and schematics, attention to detail, problem-solving and technical skills.

To be qualified for this job, you have to complete an apprenticeship program or get a certification for workplace safety.

2. Chef

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Being a chef is another good trade job for females. For someone who’s fascinated with food, this would be a good way to do what you love and earn money while doing it.

Chefs are also in high demand for a lot of occasions like birthday parties, anniversaries, funerals, award ceremonies, etc. You can also be employed at a restaurant, where you get to explore different recipes.

The basic skills for a chef include knowledge of various herbs, spices, condiments and foods; how to handle equipment in the kitchen; hygiene and cleaning methods; etc.

To qualify as a chef, you will be trained at a culinary school to gain good experience in the kitchen and restaurants and get a certification in specialty dishes.

3. Plumbing

Plumbing is one of the underrated food trade jobs for females. If you have an affinity for  working with hands and fixing things, you should consider being a plumber, as skilled plumbers are useful for installing and repairing drainage systems and ensuring water supply in an area. As a result of urbanization, plumbers are in high demand.

Female plumbers should have the following skills: strong communication, attention to detail, adaptability, knowledge of plumbing systems and fixtures, the ability to solve problems, manual dexterity, physical stamina, and the ability to work in confined spaces.

You need to complete a plumbing apprenticeship program and get certified for knowledge of plumbing codes and regulations and workplace safety to be qualified for this job.

4. HVAC Technician

If you’re a female who loves construction and maintenance, you may consider being an HVAC technician. Statistics show that female HVAC technicians constitute 9% of the workforce.

HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. Technicians in this field play a critical role in maintaining indoor comfort and air quality in buildings. They install and repair heating, ventilation, cooling, and refrigeration equipment in houses, offices and other kinds of buildings.

There is a growing demand for skilled HVAC technicians due to the need for energy efficiency. To get into this field, females need skills such as troubleshooting abilities, mechanical aptitude, problem-solving, understanding of HVAC systems and components, diagnostic skills, customer service skills, attention to detail, and the ability to work in different conditions.

Qualifications for this technical job include completion of an HVAC apprenticeship program or vocational training, a certification for handling refrigerants and a certification for workplace safety.

5. Cosmetology

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Aside from being a female-dominated trade, it’s still one of the best trade jobs for females.

Cosmetology involves working in the beauty industry as a hairstylist, barber, makeup artist, nail technician, masseuse or esthetician.

The career possibilities are high because being and looking good are things everyone can’t do without. In order to qualify for this position, you’ll have to complete training at a technical school for beauty and cosmetology.

You can either work for an industry or freelance for yourself, either way, it’s a lucrative trade.

are women.

6. Welding

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Welding is easily one of the best trade jobs for females. Welding is as versatile and important as an in-demand skill used in various industries, including automotive, manufacturing, construction companies and aerospace.

You may decide to work freelance or on contract with a company; you may choose to work full-time or part-time depending on your schedule; this is a luxury that may not be possible with all trades.

The skills required to be good at welding include an understanding of metal properties and fabrication processes, proficiency in welding techniques, precision, dexterity, attention to detail, hand-eye coordination, physical stamina and the ability to interpret blueprints.

Qualifications for this job would include completion of a welding vocational training or apprenticeship program and certification from a recognized welding organization, as well as a certification for proficiency in safety protocols and equipment operation.

7. Construction Management

Nowadays, there are lots of construction projects. The field has become very complex and multifaceted; therefore, skilled people are called in to be construction managers. Their work is mainly to supervise and coordinate all aspects of the construction process.

Women are also taking up jobs like this, especially those with a knack for organization, project management, leadership, and communication. They are known to deliver successful construction projects.

To excel in this field, you need to be skilled at budgeting and scheduling, knowledge of construction methods and materials, project management, leadership, communication, problem-solving skills, and the ability to coordinate with required professionals.

To be qualified for this field, one needs to have a certificate in construction management or a related field with hands-on experience in construction or a related industry, and a certification in project management.

8. Carpentry

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Females who love hands-on tool work should consider carpentry as one of the good trade jobs out there.

Carpenters possess the skill to work with wood and other materials, constructing, installing, and repairing various kinds of structures and fixtures in buildings. The job has always been in high demand due to new construction and renovations going on, which makes carpenters essential in the construction industry.

Females in this profession bring creativity with skills in woodworking, problem-solving, use of carpentry tools and techniques, physical strength and stamina, understanding of construction blueprints and specifications, precision and attention to detail. To qualify for this trade, you have to complete a carpentry apprenticeship program or vocational training.

These are a few good trade professions for females that may offer good career opportunities and the possibility of making a tangible impact in their communities. Women can excel at anything, including trade, with the right training, skills and diligence.

Benefits of trade professions for females

There are countless benefits for females who pursue trade jobs; they can afford excellent career opportunities and valuable advantages. Here are a few of the key benefits:

1. Self-satisfaction

Trade jobs allow females to effectively contribute towards something they love to do. For instance, a woman may love the presence of beautiful chairs in her space and being a carpenter is a way she can make them for herself and others.

Being able to complete useful projects and seeing the impact of one’s work can bring personal satisfaction. Women are now able to contribute to the building of their environments and create functional things to make a difference around them.

2. Job Security

Since trade jobs can be both freelance and on contract with a company, they most likely offer stable and secure employment opportunities.

People require handworkers almost all the time because of how essential their work is. They are consistently in demand to fill skilled roles in construction, infrastructure, manufacturing and other sectors. Therefore, women in trade are less susceptible to economic downturns and the loss of jobs.

3. Good Salaries

Many trade jobs are financially rewarding and offer competitive wages for females. In fact, there is more opportunity for advancement and an increase in earnings over time.

4. Enhancing versatility representation

There has been a problem of females not being required in trade but the advancement of good trade jobs for females has increased female representation in trade professions and brought inclusion in male-dominated industries. Female tradespeople are known to have interesting perspectives, bringing their own ideas to the workforce, thereby making the whole process more productive and versatile.

5. The Thrill of Hands-On Work

Females in trade jobs have the opportunity to work with their hands; they are keen on practical tasks and enjoy the thrill and satisfaction of seeing their handwork turn into beautiful finishes.

6. Wide Career Paths

Trade jobs are highly versatile, spanning across different career paths and specialties. This alone provides opportunities for females to widen their horizons and pursue different areas of interest and expertise. From fashion design to plumbing to electrical work to carpentry to cooking to welding or HVAC, they are able to try their hands on whatever catches their interests and strengths.

7. Development of Skill

There are so many opportunities for females to learn numerous skills and continue to enhance such skills, improving and improving till they get to the peak of their trade, which will still involve improvement. It’s a continuous cycle. They undergo this training, acquire new certifications and keep going, which would increase their job opportunities and professional growth.

8. Work-Life Balance

Females in trade jobs have more work-life balance because they mostly work on their schedule and are more self-employed. On the other hand, many trade jobs offer flexibility in work schedules and create the opportunity to work independently or as part of a team. This allows females to balance work commitments with family responsibilities, personal hobbies, and other interests.


There are so many good trade jobs for females; in fact, many females who do not want to go the way of formal education are working towards getting certified in trades in order to be financially independent.

However, there are still barriers women in trade professions face and overcoming these barriers requires a multifaceted approach that should address the problems caused by the system. This should be done in a bid to create more room for women in trade by promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. This way, we can build a more equitable future for all females in trade jobs.




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