Ecommerce Projects  

Hassan Javed

Top 10 Ecommerce Projects – Open Source Collection List 

eCommerce, online stores

Do you want e-commerce projects with source code that really work? Ever wondered if they’re reliable? People who make computer programs, learn new things, and create designs often look for good open-source platforms to help them with their projects.

That’s why it is important to have a good website with many online sales projects. E-commerce projects are made to help businesses easily buy and sell things online. This lets businesses talk to people all over the world, and it’s easy for customers to buy things using their gadgets.

We know that developers, students, and learners often look for these projects to save time and work when they make online shopping sites. It also helps them understand the best ways to do things right. You can find these projects for free on places like GitHub, SourceForge, and other coding spaces. Another place is a website called Open Source Collection, which lists open-source projects.

So, don’t wait! Let’s explore e-commerce projects together. We’ll talk about the kinds of projects you can make and why it is important to have e-commerce projects with source code. But first, let’s quickly discuss what open source means. This will help you understand it better.

Top 10 Ecommerce Projects at Open Source Collection That You Should Know

Here we are talking about 10 easy-to-use and change E-commerce Projects with codes. They can be found on open-source websites like the Open Source Collection. You will also see live examples and pictures of the projects here at the Open Source Collection. This makes them easier to understand.

1. Yem Yem

This is an online shopping website made using PHP. Usually, when you visit a website, the web server figures out which page to show you. But in this case, all requests go to one main file called index.php. This file has a list of different paths (like “/home” or “/products”) and what should happen when you go to those paths. If you type in a path that’s on the list, you’ll see the right page. If it’s not on the list, you’ll be sent to a “404 page,” which is like a page saying, “Oops, we couldn’t find what you were looking for.”

2. Keyist


This is a simple online store made using Angular 10 for how it looks and Spring Boot works behind the scenes. If you want to learn all about the tech stuff, check out this “Built With” section below. So you know, managing an online store can be a bit hard.

There are many things to think about. This project is like a practice run that shows the main things. Think of it as just the top part of an iceberg’s tip. There might be some mistakes or things not working well (we call them bugs), and it could have security problems. So, if you like fixing things, we’d love your help! Contributions arе always wеlcomе.

3. BestBags


Imagine a computer store always at your fingertips! They made this online shopping experience using Node.js, Express.js, and Mongoose. It’s like a real store where you can look at products, put them in your cart, and even make payments. If you want to know how the checkout process works, we’ve got your back.

You can test it using a fake card number given by Stripe, their payment partner. To make sure everything is safe, we have hidden some important details like secret keys from open view. Instead, they’ve cleverly hidden them as environment variables using the dotenv package.

4. Krables


Krable is a new and complete online shopping place with many companies, made to meet the different wants of both people who sell things and those who buy them. The system easily combines a user-friendly interface with strong back-end features. It has separate sections for managers, sellers and delivery workers too. Be it manual setup for better control or using Docker and Docker-compose for a hassle-free start, Krable makes trading online easy.

5. Doggy Stickers

Look at this great online store! It’s like a store on the internet that sells things. The story is created using Next.js and Tailwind CSS, which makes it look nice and work well. Behind the scenes, it is connected to Shopify. This platform helps developers manage all their products and things. When you look around the store, they use GraphQL to get information about what things you’re selling. They also save what you add to your shopping cart. So if you leave and come back, your cart will still be there. When you’re all set to buy, they use Shopify Checkout. This makes it easy for you to purchase the items.

6. Django-Ecommerce Website

Doggy Stickers

This website is easily available at OSC. They made this wonderful shopping experience using Django 2.2 and Python 3.7, as well as added the power of AWS to make everything run smoothly. If you want to learn how everything comes together, that’s great luck for you! You can look at a live demo to see the website working. The great part is this example isn’t just for fun. It’s a real store where you can actually buy things.

7. ShopIeasy

Developers have made a complete online shopping website using Spring MVC. This gives users and managers the same smooth experience. The app is made up of different parts that cover the whole process, making it easy to use and efficient. For users, we have put in features that let them easily look at and pick products. They can put things in their shopping cart and check out what they want to buy before deciding for sure. The purchase note gives a clear view. It makes the buying process easy and convenient.

8. EverShop

EverShop is a modern online shopping platform that uses GraphQL and React to give you a smooth online shopping experience. It’s built with essential e-commerce features, using the React framework for modularity and customization. What makes EverShop unique is that it’s an open-source project, encouraging collaborative development.

By using GraphQL as its foundation, EverShop ensures efficient communication between different parts, resulting in a dynamic and responsive user interface. The use of React, a widely-used JavaScript library for building interfaces, makes EverShop robust and structured. This structure allows developers to customize and extend the platform based on their specific needs, making it adaptable to various e-commerce situations.

9. TastyIgniter

TastyIgniter is a reliable platform designed specifically for restaurants to seamlessly integrate online food ordering and table reservation services into their operations. This sophisticated solution caters to the needs of culinary establishments, empowering them to enhance customer experience through modern and efficient digital services.

As an MIT-licensed project, TastyIgniter is a community-driven initiative, drawing strength from its collaborative development approach. The project’s ongoing progress is sustained by the invaluable support of a community of dedicated backers.

10. Skateshop


Skateshop is an open-source e-commerce skate shop built using the latest features in Next.js 13. The project’s foundation is created with create-t3-app, incorporating cutting-edge technologies like server actions and Drizzle Object-Relational Mapping (ORM).

It’s important to note that these technologies are still evolving and could undergo modifications, potentially affecting the functionality of your application. The project operates under the MIT License, and you can find more information in the LICENSE file.

Wrapping up

I hope that after reading this article, you can pick your project. All these projects can be found on open-source websites without any trouble. I hope the things from this article help you get better and succeed in making computer programs. If you have any questions or want to know more about something special, just ask. Happy coding!


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