Dirndl is one of the most Instagrammable clothing pieces. With its decades-old roots, it still holds a place in the fashion world. Tying the Dirndl bow can be a tricky job. And knowing where to tie the knot when married, single, or widowed is even trickier. To keep you sorted with all the dirndl knot queries, this guide is to the rescue.
A Little About Dirndl
Dirndl is this classy piece of gown with a silhouette that falls perfectly for every occasion. Like its counterpart, the German dirndl dress originally debuted as work clothes for the less privileged class. However, the elemental charm of dirndl couldn’t stop others from adopting it as a fashion piece for their wardrobes.
The blouse of the dirndl is often plain and white or black. It is bought separately to compliment the dirndl part. It is made of cotton with beautiful sleeve designs and ruffles attached to them. The choice of neckline can also set your blouse apart. Sweetheart neckline, v-shape, teardrop, and angular are there for you to choose from.
The bodice sits tight on the body, followed by the flowy skirt. Then comes the apron.
The Anatomy of the Apron
In German, the apron is called “schurze.” So, if you read it anywhere, know it for yourself. The apron is worn on the dirndl, right on the waistline or a little above it. It has multiple pleats on the top to give it all its volume and fall.
The bottom of the apron often has detailing on it. It may be adorned with lace or simple hand mid-stitching. An apron can be made of the same fabric and printed as a dirndl. Or it may be designed to contrast with a dirndl.
Cotton, Velvet, Silk, or Wool Apron are all available off the rack. A puffy bow knot translates the story of your life.
Dirndl Knot Tying Meaning
Imagine you walked into Oktoberfest without knowing what “TYING THE APRON KNOT MEANS.” You just enjoyed your wedding and tied the knot on the left. A guy walks to you, trying to make a move.
I am sure you don’t want to get yourself into trouble. Thus, tying the apron knot correctly is very important.
1. Tying The Knot to the Right
Tying the knot to the right means, “Hey, mister, no chance there!” You should tie your apron to the right if you are happily taken, married, or in a committed relationship.
According to the old customs and traditions, men walked to their ladies on the left. The knot was placed on the right so the bow would not come between the man and his beloved lady.
2. Tying the Apron Knot to the Left
Tying the knot to the left means the opposite to the right. It signals to all the available bachelors in the town, “I am single and ready to mingle.”
This dirndl law puts you on the spot for hunting “Mr Righty Right!” Girls, be ready for all the attention you will get with that left bow. Just keep in mind that it can be overwhelming, too.
3. Tying the Knot on the Back
If you see a woman with a bow placed at the back, it means she is a widow or a divorcee. Before trying to get into a conversation, let me tell you that the waitress also wears a bow at the back.
Just to keep it simple, the ones holding beer steins and serving are waitresses. And the one drinking and enjoying on tables may be divorced or widowed. At the end of the day, RESPECT BOTH!
4. Tying the Knot on the Front
If you see a gal with the dirndl apron knot tied to the front, it means her chastity is protected.
How to Tie a Knot?
Are you worried about how to tie the knot in your dirndl? Dirndl knot tying may seem difficult at first, but with a bit of practice, you can perfect it. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to tie your apron.
Step 1: Cross the ties on the front, left, right, or back at the waistline.
Step 2: Make the knot by bringing the right tie over. Check that the knot is secured firmly.
Step 3: Make the hoop with the bottom hanging ties
Step 4: Cross over the top tie with the hoop made with the bottom tie just above.
Step 5: Pull the top tie through the little hole you made by looping it over the bottom one.
Voila! A beautiful bow knot!
Respect Dirndl Etiquettes!
Now you know the meaning of Dirndl knot placement, so respect the tradition and wear it rightly. Tie on the right if married, left if single, at the back if widowed, divorced, waitress and at the front if a virgin. To ease tying the knot, follow the step-by-step method and have a puffy bow for your apron.
Enjoy the symphony of dirndl knot tying!