Salman Rahat

Can Regular Physiotherapy Completely Eliminate Mechanical Back Pain?

back pain physical therapy, back pain physiotherapy, mechanical back pain

Mechanical back pain, which is the feeling of discomfort after spinal movement and posture, is something that everyone has experienced once. A lot of people share that pain is the reason they address their problem with back pain physiotherapy in Edmonton which shows that physiotherapists address not only the mechanics of the pain but the causes too. Back pain treatment, in which manual therapy, exercises and lifestyle corrections are applied concurrently to relieve pain and restore optimal function, is provided by physical therapy. 

Understanding Mechanical Back Pain

 Mechanical pain is due to the position and motion of the spinal joints, muscles, discs, ligaments or spinal nerves. People often consider it a sports injury because can be attributed to dynamic or static muscle straining of the whole musculoskeletal system. Normally, it is localized and can range from mild to intense and physical activities usually aggravate it. This investigation reviews the work of chronic back pain physiotherapy in Edmonton and the possibility of long-term relief in order to raise hope among those who endure in the suffering of persistent spinal problems. 

 Physiotherapy Techniques Utilized

 Manual Therapy

  •  Joint Mobilization: This approach is carried out by manually manipulating the joints of the vertebrae in the spine with the help of physiotherapists. It usually consists of passive exercises, which are performed more than just by using one kind of speed and range of movement and are not intense enough to cause pain. This is done to decrease pain and stiffness and to promote wellness and the use of joints. It is also a plus for those with joint problems or tightened joints. 
  •  Soft Tissue Mobilization: Soft tissue mobilization techniques could include deep tissue massages, myofascial release and trigger point therapy. Using these methods, the specialist aims at the muscle-fascial layers.  A combination of pressure and motion helps to eliminate adhesions and improve muscle functionality. It improves active blood circulation to the tissues, accelerates the recovery process, removes muscle tension, diminishes pain and enhances the range of motion.

Therapeutic Exercises

Core Strengthening Exercises

The objective of these exercises is mainly to reinforce the abdominal and lumbar muscles (which are the core muscles). The enhanced core strength strongly contributes to the reduction of the load on the spinal column, alleviates pain, and prevents injuries. 

Types of Exercises

  • Planks: They are completed when the body is kept straight and perpendicular to the ground and the part that is in contact with ground is the hands. Based on the power and comfort the rock climber will feel, they can be done either on the elbows or on the hands. 
  • Bridges: Lie down with bed legs, lifting up the hips to create a straight line from the bed to the upper body and contracting stomach and lower back muscles. 
  • Bird-Dog: Get on knees with hands and knees on the ground and stretch one of the arm and the various legs to the side of the body, and then change the position to the other side. The movement increases the sense of balance and stability as the core is engaged. 

Flexibility and Stretching Exercises

This set of stretches is intended to assist in the improvement of the suppleness of all the back muscles, tendons and ligaments. Increasing flexibility in the regions of concern is a great way to reduce muscle tension and pain over all, especially for the victim of the back pain caused by tight and stiff muscles. 

Types of Exercises

  • Hamstring Stretching: This can be performed doing this is sitting or standing, stretching out the back of the thigh. First, if you want more of a stretch, lie down on your back, lift one leg, and try to lean it towards the torso using a towel or band. 
  • Lumbar Extension Exercises: They are doing these on the ground with their faces down and then moving the upper body off the ground, always keeping the hips in contact with the floor, which tones the lower back. 

Posture Education

Corrective Postural Training

This education guides patients on the principles of proper positioning in different situations and various movements. The target is to align the spine and reduce pressure on the joints and muscles. 

  • Static Posture Training: This involves education on maintaining a neutral spine position while sitting or standing. For instance, while sitting, patients are taught to keep their feet flat on the floor, back straight and shoulders back, avoiding slumping or leaning forward.
  • Dynamic Posture Training: This training focuses on maintaining good posture during movement, such as walking or bending. Techniques include bending at the knees and keeping the back straight when picking up objects to prevent strain.
  • Workplace Ergonomics: Suggestions often include using chairs with proper lumbar support, positioning computer screens at eye level, and using footrests if the feet do not reach the floor.
  • Home Ergonomics: Advice may also include the best mattresses and pillows for spinal support and strategies for carrying out household chores that minimize back strain.

Pain Management Techniques

 Heat and Cold Therapy

  • Heat Therapy: This applies to the affected area and also uses heating pads, which aid with blood circulation. To be able to relax and release tense muscles is one of the things that the therapy helps with and the discomfort is soothed. The applications of heat could be used to relieve chronic stiffness or muscle tension. 

Application: The heat packs can be used for 15-20 minutes, which is enough time to provide a good barrier, for example, a towel, between the skin and the heat source for safe use. 

  • Cold Therapy: Administers chilled packs or cooling pads to reduce inflammation, soften painful areas, and lessen ache following severe sports injuries or flare-ups. 

Application: Cold packs must always be used with short applications, max. 20 minutes, to prevent the skin from getting damaged. In a similar way to heat therapy, a barrier should be applied as protection. 


 TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation): The low-voltage, small, battery-powered device is equipped with electrodes that are attached to the skin via small wires. This technique acts by interrupting nerve impulses that contribute to the final transmission of pain sensation to the brain. 

Usage: TENS settings can be altered with regard to the strength and frequency in keeping with the patient’s comfort as well as the recommendations made by the therapist. This medicine is usually administered for minimum of 20–30 minutes, depending on the severity of pain and the disease condition. 

 Potential of Physiotherapy

 To summarize, the success of chronic mechanical back pain treatment performed on a regular basis is indisputable. The tailored approach at Vertex Physiotherapy in Edmonton, with a focus on Edmonton community, is adopted to treat this common ailment of an individual. The complete removal of mechanical back pain may be difficult to achieve, depending on one’s circumstances.  However, many patients have experienced marked improvements on back pain physiotherapy in Edmonton after treatment. 

If you are struggling with back pain, contact Vertex Physiotherapy. Our committed team is ready to help you. Book a consultation today and begin your journey toward a more active and less painful lifestyle.

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