
Smash Negativity Team

Can An Empath And Narcissist Work: Understanding the Dynamics

Can An Empath And Narcissist Work, Empath, Narcissist

Empaths and narcissists are two opposite personalities that usually find themselves in the same workplace. Empaths are highly susceptible individuals who are sincerely attuned to the emotions and needs of others, usually to the point of feeling devastated by the emotions of those around them.

On the other hand, narcissists are described by their lack of compassion, inflated sense of arrogance, and controlling behavior. Can empaths and narcissists work, given their fundamental differences? Yes, they can.

Although it can be challenging for an empath to work with a narcissist. However, with a resounding knowledge of both personalities and adequate communication strategies, an empath can navigate a working relationship with a narcissist.

Empaths are often attracted to beneficial professions such as counseling, social work, and healthcare because of their nurturing, kind, and compassionate nature.

In these fields, they might encounter some narcissistic individuals who seek to exercise control over and dominate others. The clash of both personalities can produce a toxic and challenging work environment.

The empath’s desire to aid and heal conflicts with the narcissist’s need for authority and validation, leading to a struggle of power and emotional fatigue for the empath.

Can an empath and Narcissist work? Oh yes! This is very much possible. However, one of the major challenges for empaths working with narcissists is conserving their emotional well-being while navigating the toxic dynamics of the relationship.

Empaths need to establish clear boundaries and guard themselves against the manipulative tactics of the narcissist. Besides, empaths may need to create coping mechanisms and self-care methods to avoid burnout and emotional fatigue.

Can An Empath And Narcissist Work: Understanding the Dynamics of the Empath-Narcissist Relationship

Vika_Glitter, Pixabay

For an effective relationship with a narcissist, empaths must first understand the dynamics of the empath-narcissist connection. Narcissists are propelled by a deep-seated insecurity and a stable need for validation and admiration.

They are usually intriguing and manipulative, making use of their charisma to sway others to their benefit. Empaths, who are highly sensitive to the emotions of others, may, at first, feel drawn to the narcissist’s charm and charisma.

Nevertheless, they might soon find themselves emotionally exhausted and manipulated by the narcissist’s selfish and authoritative behavior.

The narcissist’s lack of sympathy and ability to capitalize on the empath’s compassionate nature can produce inequality of power in the working relationship.

The empath may find themselves continuously catering to the narcissist’s lacks and emotional needs while receiving little in return. Possibly, this can lead to feelings of frustration, bitterness, and emotional fatigue for the empath.

Empaths are naturally prone to being compassionate and sympathetic, and they may initially offer help to the narcissist by listening to their problems and trying to lend a helping hand.

However, the narcissist’s manipulative conduct and lack of reciprocity can lead to sensations of being taken advantage of and unappreciated. This can deteriorate the empath’s self-esteem and sense of self-worth, leading to emotional agitation and distress.

Can An Empath And Narcissist Work?

The answer is yes. As with any relationship, the aim of making it work is communication and understanding. Two individuals in a committed relationship should be willing to come to an agreement and also make an effort to understand each other’s needs and emotions.

Empaths should be cautious enough not to allow narcissists to take advantage of their willingness to help, while narcissists should endeavor to recognize the empath’s need for compassion and understanding.

With a little tolerance, kindness, and regard for one another, relationships between empaths and narcissists can be healthy and beneficial.

While it is possible for an empath and a narcissist to have a toxic romantic relationship, it is also possible for them to have a healthy relationship.

With the right communication, agreement, and concern for each other’s needs and emotions, the relationship can be successful.

Nevertheless, if both parties are not willing to do the necessary work that needs to be done in the relationship, it is likely to go nasty from the start.

Ultimately, it boils down to the individual personalities that are involved and how much effort each of them is willing to put into the relationship to make it successful.

Possibly all of us can, in one way or another, behave in narcissistic ways sometimes. Furthermore, some narcissists are more extreme than others.

However, over the years, it has been discovered that many empaths often develop relationships with narcissists.

If you’re an empath and want to give yourself adequate protection against the narcissist, here are some ideas on how to start:

1. Have Self-compassion, No Matter What

You have an inner world within you. You have a past of being misunderstood by people. The anxiety of being misunderstood, being unheard, and feeling unappreciated leads to harmful habits and behaviors.

Many empaths escape addictive behaviors so they don’t have to encounter their own emotions. When you eventually stand up for yourself (or leave the unhealthy relationship behind), you will still carry trauma, pain, and an in-depth feeling of unworthiness. You may blame, judge, and condemn yourself for not handling the situation better.

The best way you can start recovering from the past and moving your life forward is by finding sympathy for yourself. Tell yourself that, despite all the circumstances, you did the best you could.

You didn’t have the knowledge you have today; therefore, you should be kind to yourself. Even if you were conscious that you kept attracting people who needed you, you likely did not realize that your sensitivity had a name.

Self-blame does not help you get any better. Stop it and forgive yourself. You cannot heal your soul without having compassion for yourself.

2. Identify Your Unhealthy Habits and Behaviors.

While empaths can be too empathetic, narcissists cannot feel and show empathy.

The empath usually feels manipulated and hurt. If you grew up learning to subdue or suppress your feelings, you probably cultivated unhealthy ways of escaping pain.

Recognizing and reversing your unhealthy habits and behaviors can enable you to move forward in your personal growth and also in life.

3. Strengthen Your Boundaries

Boundaries define what you are and what you are not, and this leads to a sense of ownership. When you are aware of where you end and where someone else begins, you can be responsible for your actions, feelings, and conduct and also release responsibility for your acts, emotions, and behaviors.

4. Don’t Confuse Kindness With Boundaries—Be With Your Heart First!

Many empaths who continue to satisfy others and attempt to maintain peace convince themselves that they should show kindness and be more compassionate toward the narcissist because that’s what spiritual (or positive) people do.

The truth is that whenever you set boundaries and stick to them, you disappoint the other person. The narcissist will rub your face and remind you that you are “supposed” to be a compassionate, positive, and spiritual person.

Don’t misunderstand boundaries for kindness. Be kind enough to yourself to say no when you ought to, and also set clear boundaries to safeguard your heart, even if it implies disappointing someone else.

Why Empaths and Narcissists Are Attracted To Each Other.

Sammy-Sander, Pixabay

With a great deal of kindness, the empath is capable of absorbing the emotions and strength of others. Whenever they come into contact with a narcissist, the energy they sense inspires something in them that kindles their need to comfort the narcissist, beginning the process of narcissistic supply.

Usually, the empath feels (often subconsciously) that they can heal and assist the narcissist, so they submit themselves to showing the narcissist their worth, but the narcissist will never see it.

The narcissist in this situation will take advantage of the empath and see their compassion as a deficiency. The attraction between the two is profoundly due to their complementary urges, and it is as harmful as it may be to gain attention and seek validation from one another.

This is likely to become more difficult if the empath tends to be more codependent in relationships.

Moreover, narcissists tend to deflect all their feelings toward others because of their underlying pain and insecurity. They too might have had a narcissist as parents or caregivers, or they may have experienced some kind of abuse or traumatic circumstance that shaped their upbringing.

However, this is not a good reason to justify the emotional and sometimes physical abuse imposed on their partners, who become victims.

The only possibility an empath has here is to determine whether they want to go on in the relationship with a narcissist or quit the relationship if the narcissist has to take ownership of their feelings.

If the former, it’s probably that the empath has developed a trauma bond with the narcissist, which can be difficult to break out of or even realize. If the latter, then the narcissists will dump the empath instantaneously, adding insult to the wound of the empath.

Final Words

Can An Empath And Narcissist Work? Ultimately, working with a narcissist as an empath is a tough and challenging experience that demands a deep knowledge of both personalities and sufficient coping methods.

By setting clear boundaries, safeguarding their emotional well-being, and seeking consent and validation, empaths can navigate the complexities of the empath-narcissist relationship and retain their professional integrity and well-being.

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