Growing plants


Blue daze plant -Perfect Plant For Florida Gardens?


Today we’re going to talk about a special plant that’s perfect for growing in Florida – pretty cool, right?

Growing plants in Florida can be a bit tricky due to the wild weather swings.

Meet the Blue Daze, scientifically called Evolvulus glomeratus. It’s a plant that comes back year after year and blooms every now and then. What’s really eye-catching are its lovely blue flowers against the silvery-green leaves.

This tough and charming plant is mainly grown to make things look nice, and sometimes it’s even used to cover the ground in sunny parts of the garden!

Keep reading to find out more about Blue Daze in Florida, how to take care of it, and a bunch of other useful stuff!

What Is Blue Daze Florida?

Here’s some basic info about Blue Daze:

Property Blue Daze (Evolvulus glomeratus)
Scientific Name Evolvulus glomeratus
Pronunciation ee-VOLV-yoo-lus glom-mur-RAY-tus
Common Names Blue Daze, Texas Superstar
Family Convolvulaceae
Plant Type Annual, Perennial, Herbaceous
USDA Hardiness Zones 9B through 11
Planting Months Zone 9: April – September
Zones 10 and 11: February – December
Origin Native to Brazil and Paraguay
Uses Mass planting, borders, edging, containers, hanging baskets, cascading walls
Availability Generally available in suitable zones

Blue Daze is a wonderful plant for growing in Florida. Originally from Paraguay and Brazil, it can flourish in USDA zones 8 to 11.

This evergreen plant produces pretty funnel-shaped flowers in a stunning sky-blue color. It’s part of the morning glory family, known as Convolvulaceae, which has soft leaves.

Blue Daze can reach about 1 foot tall and spread 1 to 2 feet wide. It’s easy to take care of and can be grown from cuttings or seeds. It grows quickly but doesn’t become invasive.

Being drought-resistant and low-growing makes this plant a popular ground cover. Its blue flowers create a beautiful ground ocean. It loves sunlight but can manage with partial shade, though fewer flowers might bloom if it’s always shaded.

In South and Central Florida, it’s a perennial, returning each year. But in North Florida, where winters get colder, it grows annually. Just make sure it’s in the right USDA zone.

Blue Daze is a hit not only in Florida but also in Texas, where it’s nicknamed “Texas Superstar”!

Its green leaves with a silver shine make a perfect backdrop for the blue flowers. The leaves are usually oval and about 2 inches long.

Here’s something interesting: the true blue flowers don’t last long. They open in the morning and fade by evening.

These tough plants work well as ground covers, borders, hanging baskets, or in mixed containers. They’re also great for coastal gardens because they can handle salty conditions.

How To Plant Blue Daze

The best time to plant Blue Daze is in the spring. This gives the roots enough time to settle before the hot summer comes. In summer, these strong roots can handle the heat and need less water.

Before planting, you need to get the soil ready. Use a spade, hoe, or power tiller to break up the soil. Add things like compost, manure, and peat moss to make the soil better.

These things make the soil healthy and help plants grow well. They also bring in small living things that are good for the soil!

At the start, you can help your plants grow by adding special food for them. It can be granules or balanced all-purpose food.

Blue Daze Florida Plant

Here’s how to plant Blue Daze:

  • First, check how much space each plant needs. When plants are too close together, they might not grow well. There can be some exceptions, like if you have a short growing time or need to cover a space quickly for a special event.
  • Take the plant out of its pot carefully. Squeeze the pot gently and tap it to help the plant come out. If it’s stuck, keep squeezing the pot while holding the plant’s base and pulling gently.
  • Be careful not to hurt the stem. If the plant is in a pot, hold the base, tilt it, and tap the pot to loosen it. Keep tapping as you turn the pot, and the plant should come out.
  • Make a hole twice as big as the plant’s roots. Make sure the plant sits at the same level in the ground as it was in the pot. Gently separate the roots and put the plant in the hole.
  • Fill the space around the roots and press down gently. The soil around the hole should be even with the ground or a bit higher. Water new plants every day for a few weeks to help them settle in.
  • You might need something for the plant to climb on, like a trellis or wall. Some plants need support to grow well and spread.

Now, let’s look at some types of Blue Daze that are often used in gardens.

Common Blue Daze Varieties

There are almost 100 Evolvulus species

That’s true, there are lots of kinds of Blue Daze, but today we’ll focus on the ones that are most common and perfect for making your garden beautiful.

Dwarf Morning Glory

Let’s start with the Dwarf Morning Glory. People also call it Evolvulus alsinoides. It’s like the regular Blue Daze – it makes flowers that are blue to purple. It can grow for a year or more, depending on where you live.

This plant is strong and can handle tough things like salty soil and lots of sun. But it doesn’t like soil that’s too wet and needs good airflow.

Sometimes it’s tricky to tell these Blue Daze apart because they look so much alike. But that’s okay because they need almost the same care!

Hawaiian Blue Eyes

Now, let’s talk about Hawaiian Blue Eyes. Its scientific name is Evolvulus glomeratus. This plant blooms all season long and doesn’t need much looking after. It makes those real blue flowers that Blue Daze is known for.

If you want to grow Blue Daze in your garden, take a look at our plant care guide below. It will help you give your plants the love they need

general information about the plant:

Category Annual
Available Colors Blue
Bloom Time Summer
Height Range 8-10″ (20-25cm)
Space Range 12-15″ (30-38cm)
Lowest Temperature 30°F to 40°F (-1°C to 4°C)
Plant Light Sun to Part Shade
Companion Plants Yarrow, Echinacea, Candytuft
USDA Zone 10-11

How To Take Care Of Blue Daze

As we mentioned before, taking care of a Blue Daze plant is pretty simple. Even if you forget to water it sometimes, that’s okay. This plant can handle not getting water for a while because it’s good at surviving dry periods.

All you need to do is give it the right kind of soil and make sure it gets plenty of sunlight each day.

No need to stress about removing old flowers – this plant cleans up after itself. But if you want to help it grow new flowers and leaves, trimming and taking off old flowers is a good idea.

Now, let’s talk about the basic things your Blue Daze plant needs.

Soil Needs

Blue Daze likes sandy soil that lets water pass through easily. It doesn’t need rich soil, just soil that drains well. Good airflow in the soil is important too for the plant to grow well.

A mix of loose soil in a pot is great if you’re planting in a container. It should let water flow out.

Remember to think about the soil’s pH level too. Blue Daze prefers soil that’s a bit acidic, but it’s okay with neutral soil too.

Don’t forget about drainage. Too much water in the soil can hurt the plant. If you’re using a pot, make sure it has holes at the bottom so water can escape.

If you’re growing Blue Daze, make sure the soil is just right!

Watering Needs

If you’re taking care of young Blue Daze plants, they need more water at first. Give them water every day for a couple of weeks. Once they’re settled, you can water them less often.

Usually, it’s good to water them once or twice a week. But this can change depending on the kind of Blue Daze and where you put it.

For example, if your Blue Daze is in a sunny spot and gets 8 hours of direct sunlight every day, the soil might dry out faster and need more water.

If the plant is in a partly shady area, it won’t need as much water.

Remember, clay soil holds onto water longer than sandy soil. So if you’re planting in sandy soil, water more often.

When you water, focus on the area around the plant’s base. Try not to wet the whole plant. Using a soaker hose is a good way to water because it saves water and keeps plants healthy.

You can also use a watering can with a sprinkler head for small areas. Water in the morning if you use a sprinkler, so the leaves have time to dry during the day.

One more thing – don’t water the leaves. Wet leaves can attract problems like bugs and mold that can hurt the plant.

Light Needs

Blue Daze really, really like the sun!

They want around 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight every day. That’s why they’re good for covering the ground or growing where other plants might not do well.

Guess what? They’re cool with a bit of shade too! So, if your sunny spot gets a little shade sometimes, that’s okay.

If they don’t get enough light, they might not make many flowers or any at all.

If you’re growing them indoors to make your home look nice, put them near a window that gets lots of sun during the day.

Blue Daze needs sun to shine its best!

Common Issues

Good news: Blue Daze plants usually don’t have too many problems with bugs or sickness. But there’s one thing to watch out for: too much water can bring a fungus called Pythium.

Pythium likes wet soil. It can travel in soil, water, tools, and other stuff. If the plant’s roots touch this fungus, they might turn black and start to rot. The infection can spread to the whole plant and kill it.

To stop this fungus, remove the plant. Or, you can use things like copper fungicide or neem oil to treat it.

Don’t let this fungus be a bother – take care of your Blue Daze and keep it healthy!

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