Salman Rahat

A Comprehensive Guide for Wood Burning Fireplace Insert

wood burning fire place

Warm fire feels good on a cold night. If you have a fireplace, you understand the  happiness it brings. You can talk with loved ones by the fireplace instead of watching  TV. Which is better: a fireplace or a Wood Burning Fireplace Insert? We will discuss  this to help you decide. 

A fireplace is typically built into a wall or stands alone. It is designed to hold and  control a fire safely. The firebox is where wood or gas burns. A chimney or flue  system directs smoke and fumes outside. There are several types of fireplaces. They  include traditional wood-burning, gas and electric. 

What is Wood Burning Fireplaces? 

Wood burning fireplaces flicker wood to make heat and create a cozy atmosphere. It  has a firebox for the timber and a chimney to release smoke. People enjoy the warm  glow and the sound of crackling wood. To use it safely, clean it regularly and clear the  chimney. It’s a traditional way to warm your home on cold days. 

Types of Wood Burning Fireplace 

Wood burning fireplaces come in different variety. They include traditional, stove and  wood burning fireplace insert

1. Traditional Open Hearth Fireplace 

Traditional open-heart fireplaces are normally made of brick or stone. Wood burns in  the open front to produce heat and ambiance. They have a cozy glow and make a  crackling sound when burning wood. These fireplaces are popular for adding charm  and warmth to a space.

These fireplaces give space a classic look. They’re built with sturdy bricks or stones  and often come with eye-catching mantels. You can match them to your home’s style. 

2. Heat Output and Maintenance 

These Fireplaces look good, but don’t save power. They only use 5% to 15% of the  lumber energy to warm a room. They can heat an area with about 20,000 to 40,000  BTUs every hour. 

You required a professional to build a chimney to set up this fireplace. To keep it  running well, clean the chimney regularly to prevent build-up. Also, make sure to  clean out the ash often. 

Regulation and Environmental Impact 

To keep safe, use a screen or glass doors to stop sparks. Keep anything that can burn  away from the fireplace. Different places have rules about how to make and use them.  The rules are to cut down on smoke and pollution. 

They add charm. But traditional fireplaces release more smoke and pollutants. This is  more than modern ones. They contribute to air pollution, which makes them less  environmentally friendly. 


Enhances room ambiance with a classic look. 

Creates a cozy atmosphere with the sound and smell of burning wood. Provides warmth without needing electricity.


Low heating efficiency (5%-15%). 

Needs regular cleaning and chimney maintenance. 

Increases air pollution; not eco-friendly. 

3. Wood Burning Fireplace Insert

Old fireplaces can be replaced by Wood-burning fireplace inserts. They heat rooms  better by burning wood. This keeps more heat inside and uses less wood. Inserts  come in different styles to upgrade your space and improve old fireplaces. 

Fireplace inserts are typically made from cast iron or steel. Cast iron inserts are  durable and retain heat effectively. Steel inserts are sturdy and have a modern look. 

4. Heat Output and Maintenance 

These inserts make your fireplace more efficient by keeping more heat inside. They  can heat a space with 30,000 to 90,000 BTUs per hour and have efficiency ratings of  70% or higher. 

Installing a stove is easy. Hire a professional to make sure it fits and vents correctly.  After installation, keep it clean. Remove the ashes and check the vent. This prevents  clogs.

Regulation and Environmental Impact 

To stay safe, follow the rules about installation and use. Ensure it is installed correctly, use  the right wood and keep flammable stuff away. Different places have different rules,  so check what applies to you. 

These inserts burn wood better. They cut down on smoke and harmful gases in the air.  That’s better for the planet compared to old, open fireplaces. Plus, using less wood  helps conserve resources. 


More efficient than open fireplaces. 

Safer, with less risk of sparks. 

Easy to upgrade existing fireplaces. 


Higher upfront cost. 

Needs regular cleaning. 

Requires wood supply and storage. 

5. Wood Burning Stove

A wood burning stove is a metal heater that warms a room by burning wood. It is  more efficient than open hearth fireplaces and stands on the floor. Wood burning  stoves have various designs to match home styles. They increase warmth by burning  wood well.

A wood burning stove is a metal box that burns wood to heat space. It sits on the floor,  not on the wall like some fireplaces. You can find them in lots of styles to match your  room. 

Energy Efficiency and Maintenance 

These stoves are better than open fireplaces at producing heat from wood. They use  less wood to keep a room warm and can convert 70% to 80% of the wood’s energy.  These stoves can heat a place with 20,000 to 90,000 BTUs per hour. 

To install a wood stove, choose a safe spot and have a chimney or pipe for smoke.  Clean the stove inside and the chimney frequently to prevent soot and ash buildup. 

Regulation and Environmental Impact 

For safety, keep anything that can burn away from the stove and use a proper vent to  avoid smoke problems. Different areas have rules about installing and using these  stoves to keep the air clean and people safe. 

Wood stoves can be better for the air than open fires. This is true if they’re used right  and meet modern rules for less pollution. They use wood, a renewable resource. But,  it’s important to burn it well to protect the environment. 


Higher heating efficiency. 

Saves on heating costs using less wood. 

Uses renewable lumber, making it eco-friendlier. 


Requires proper venting for installation. 

Needs regular cleaning to prevent soot buildup. 

The surface gets hot, posing burn risks. 

Frequently Asked Questions –FAQs 

How can I install a wood burning fireplace insert? 

To install a wood burning fireplace insert, clean the fireplace and chimney. Then,  position the insert and connect the flue pipes. Next, seal any gaps and test the  ventilation. You can also install doors. Inspect for safety or consider hiring a  professional for installation.

How does a wood burning fireplace insert work? 

A wood burning fireplace insert is a wood heater that goes inside a brick fireplace. It  has a firebox surrounded by a steel shell. Air moves between the firebox and shell,  spreading heat into the room. Fans can spread heat even more. These inserts usually  have glass doors for safety and vents for air and heat. 

Why choose a wood burning fireplace insert over keeping your old fireplace? 

Wood burning fireplace insert is better than using your old fireplace. It improves  safety and heating. The insert burns cleaner and can be customized. It is also better for  the environment. Additionally, it enhances your home’s style with a nice appearance. 

How do you measure a wood burning fireplace insert? 

To count the size of a wood burning fireplace insert, consider its height, width, and  depth. Check the clearance specifications for safety. Use these measurements to  choose the right insert for the best performance. If you need more clarification, ask a  professional installer for help.

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