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Scholarships In The State Of Mississippi

Many students dream of pursuing a higher education but somehow, due to financial reasons, they are not able to turn their dreams into reality. So if you are a student willing to attend a university in the state of Mississippi and you are seeking a scholarship, this article will be your absolute guide. Mississippi is a ...

Smash Negativity Team


5 Easy National Awards For High School Students

Having a national award in high school is one of the best things that can happen to any high school student. Having a national award in high school could lead to someone being recognized; it could also open the door to a lot of opportunities in the future and make one eligible for scholarships with ...

Smash Negativity Team


6 Auburn University Scholarships

Are you a student about to embark on the journey of higher education at Auburn University? You are obviously a driven and ambitious student willing to take your academic journey to new heights but your way is filled with financial obstacles. This is a guide to help you achieve your dreams.  Fortunately, Auburn University offers ...